In all kinds of color blocking games, pink and red is one pair that I would never have thought to play. The other day, when I organized my closet and saw this scarf, the red and pink tone in this scarf caught my eyes and mind. “Why not play with pink and red once?” And, of course, white will be the free spirit for the rest.
A big thanks to Auralynn from American Apparel, for gifting this red clutch to me. I would never think to buy a red clutch before, but turns out it is such a sweet eye candy for my ever-changing wardrobe!
Zara White blouse and trousers
Zac Posen for Traget scarf
Red Clutch C/O American Apparel
Celine Heels
Chanel Sunglasses and lips
D&G Watch
Vintage Red Belt
I never thought about this colour combo before but now that I saw how great you pulled this off, I want to try it too! Gorgeous!
Hey Hallie Love!
You couldn’t be more chic here. By the way, what lens does your husband use when taking your photos? 50mm?
Surprisingly these colors look amazing together! I would never ever have thought to combine them, but I may as well give it a try, esp in the way you combined them, because I don’t think I could pull of the combo in ‘bigger’ space, like wearing a pink top with red jeans or something. But with a white base, the combination is GORGEOUS!!! The red clutch is indeed an eye candy! Cute
Love your sunglasses too! I bought the Ray Ban wayfarers a few days ago btw
Anyways, I hope you’re having an amazing time! I don’t think I’ll be able to comment in the next five days, because I’m leaving from Chalikidiki to Corfu and I won’t have internet connection, but I’ll catch up later
Many many kisses and hugs to both of you and greetings to mr. Bob!
SO FRESH, Hallie. I love how the pinks and red pop on the all white outfit.
Van // The Clothes We Wear // Wearing motherhood with style.
I love the pops of color that you added with your scarf and other accessories. Great look!
Love the bright colors of this look! Well done!
Ah,,,,you are going to leave me again? hehehe,,,,anyway, I am so happy for your vacation..and Ray Ban Wayfarers? wow…I am getting that too, believe or not, lol….
唉,,,经Belinda这么一问, 我不禁惭愧起来, 这段时间我读的书都是儿童读物了,,儿童圣经…..儿童故事,,,如果你还有兴趣, 跟你分享? 呵呵,,,开玩笑了, Belinda的情趣真好, 假期读书, 真是太佩服你了. 古人云, 腹有诗书气自华,,,亲爱的,加油!
哈哈, 还别说, 那天确实是吃饱了饭去照相了, 可能他真的是在盯 着自己的肚子看吧:))
呵呵, 很久没有用去坐班了, 这种办公室OL风格也好久没玩了:))
谢谢看看的推荐, 我上网找找这<事儿>看看^^
晕, 你读的那些我都没读过, 哈哈, 要说我家书就多了, 但是都是RB爸读的, 更多的时候我们是自己编故事….而且现在很多电视频道的儿童节日教育性都很强的.
I love these colors together! Great job!
Shasie of Live Life in Style