Hunting Hat

“I like this hunting hat!” Red Bear said,

“Why you call it hunting hat? Who taught you that? ” Mommy asked

“Cause it’s for hunting!” Red Bear Answer

“Is it too hot for the summer? Maybe we can wear it after summer” Mommy asked

“No, I like this hat, I want to go hunting!” Red Bear said:)

Red Bear was wearing: Hat, Tee and Backpack all c/o American Apparel,

Gap Shorts

H&M Sneakers

27 thoughts on “Hunting Hat

  1. Awwwwwww how cute is our little Johny!!! ahahahha!! And he is so funny! He is really clever! The hunting hat ahahahha!!! I couldn’t stop laughing when you said “Is it too hot for the summer? Maybe we can wear it after summer?” hahahah!! He is awesome!! I love love him! Give him a huuuge kiss and a huuuge hug <3

  2. 这帽子我曾经有过一顶类似的呢。冬天戴了,是卡其色的,好喜欢。跟RB 一样。好象夏天也戴过。后来给了妹妹。RB很帅气哦,小绅士。记得那个叫皮特的男演员经常戴这款的帽子吧。很有味道的。

  3. RB越來越有小型男的架式了。


  4. 好象这种帽子挺受欢迎的, 我也有一顶呢, 是格纹的, 呵呵, 现在还有, 戴上总象福尔摩斯:)

  5. 哈哈, 人手一顶的帽子.
    SUE是不是比较迷皮特的?:) 我就很喜欢他^^

  6. Thank you Demy:D Red Bear went to a party last night, and so crazy about all the little girls around him…lol…will tell you more in that post:D

  7. oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. TOO cute, I MUST have that hat for my lil’ guy. Red Bear is so STINKIN’ ADORABLE. I was just talking with the Hubs other day about how it’s time for C to get a backpack since he’s always talking about mama’s bag and daddy’s bag.
    Van // The Clothes We Wear // Wearing motherhood with style.

  8. 还好,只是我真正认识他的时候是那史密斯夫妇那电影,但正是他传婚变时,觉得有点坏男人的感觉。只是会经常看到他们的新闻啦。

  9. 怎么又和我老公一个想法, 他也是因为皮特因为遇上朱莉搞婚 变所以对他没好感 ….^^

  10. yeah, go get a backpack for your boy! I bet it will be like Red Bear, they only like the backpack for 1 or 2 days, but I think it’s a long time investment, till they go to school, or college, lol..

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