Zara People

Yes, here I am, a Zara fan in Zara People, that’s the good news I want to share with you!

Click here and check out more other pictures in Zara people!

I am going to sleep now, with a big smile on my face 🙂

I hope you have a wonderful day too!


18 thoughts on “Zara People

  1. 坐沙发喽!你上了她们的杂志,会不会有人来采访你的搭配心得?替你兴奋啊!

  2. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOOOD!!!!! THAT’S AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!! Wooowwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so so so happy for you! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!! wow wow wow!!! sdjfhdbsakjfecbgredycune8ufg!!!!!!!!! Congrats, Hallie! From the bottom of my heart, congrats! 😀 *Please imagine that I’m hugging you!* wow wow wow!! I’m sure that this is one of the many many amazing things to come 😀 WOW WOW WOW!!!

  3. I am sure, I am so excited ,and so happy for you as Demy!!!!! WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW HALLIE!!!
    Felicitate!!!! It’s really a great thing you are sharing with us.I have been thinking about that,all of your oufits are great show! I have been enjoying ,since follow HALIIE DAILY. and this will not stop if you are here!
    thinks for the great news,I so proud of you!!!:P
    Have a nice today! and enjoy your weekend:p

  4. Haha,,,now you sound like Demy! I am really glad that you enjoying here. and this is what keeping me going! Thank you so much! XOX

  5. 谢谢谢谢:) 所以昨天激动了半天, 大家都知道我是ZARA迷来的…所以能上她家的网站觉得真的很开心!

  6. Thank you Demy!!! It’s your sweet and nice comment everyday keeping me going, and yes, I am looking forward more beautiful things coming, and You will have a very bright future waiting for you too!!! I am here waiting to see that!!!

  7. 前个星期已经有人给我做了一个interview, 我都还没空翻译成中文呢, 今天就忙活这个得了.嘻嘻,,,谢谢COCO一直的支持!

  8. 恭喜你呀~~希望有越来越多的人发现你这里,欣赏你,喜欢你~~

  9. 哇!好消息!再去ZARA门店是不是就可以在她家的杂志上看到你了?

  10. 呵呵, 能交到更多的象doris一样的朋友, 我也会很开心的! ^^

  11. 呵呵, 杂志上不会有了啦, 也只是这期的网格PEOPLE, 电话里ZARA的人员还鼓励说以后要经常上传相片, 说是还会有机会. 我这个ZARA迷当然也会继续加油^^

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