I Can’t Fool Him Anymore

Last Night, Red Bear asked me to scratch his feet before he sleep(he likes me to do that to him recently.^^), I had a bee bite in my thumb earlier the day, so I shown him my swollen thumb, and said I have a bee bite and can’t scratch you tonight. He looked at my thumb very carefully and asked me if I need a band-aid, I said: no, thanks! then he said: but your another hand is ok!!! hahah…..I guess I can’t fool him anymore.And he is just 2.5 years old!

Zara Silk Blouse

Forever21 Skirt

Fluxus Tee

Dolce Vita Booties

14 thoughts on “I Can’t Fool Him Anymore

  1. 哇!今天好性感啊!

  2. 我们这里真的已经是春天了, 晕哦, 感觉冬天都没真正来到, 春天就来了, 哈哈,,,不过这种天气也蛮好…. ^^

  3. 哈哈, 很不爽, 但是也很开心,,,因为RB长大喽, 这以后真的要把他当个小大人来看啦!

  4. 嘻嘻, 养孩子的乐趣现在我是越来越体会到了, 争取以后多养, 哈哈….

  5. 嘻嘻, 我们就说啊, 他聪明, 因为头大, 哈哈, 帮他买头盔都要买5岁以上小孩的. 🙂

  6. 那件是衬衣呢, 开胸来穿….今年春天打算再多入几件丝质衬衣呢…..:)

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