I Got Lita Home!

Yes, I am so exciting for finally got my Lita (from JC)home!!! In fact, there are Lita’s! I got another black pair too! (still on the way to deliver to my house)
So happy with those shoes, I know I have late sense for their beauty, but they are really comfortable with those super high heels!
I can’t wait for another pair! I Love Them!
P.S. the William Rast for Target leather jacket is very good quality and the leather is so soft…

Jeffrey Campbell Lita Shoes

William Rast for Target Leather Jacket

Dallin Chase Animal Print Shorts

Bakers Oversized Wallet

H&M Animal Print Belt

24 thoughts on “I Got Lita Home!

  1. 说起皮衣,上星期跟妹去逛街也看到一款,也不错,是棕色的,当时没买,第二天就给人买走了,可惜。现在都要尽快置过年的衣服了,元旦后好多没货或者断码了,但还是没时间去逛。Hallie那也会有象我们这情况吗?

  2. 一直很羡慕能天天穿高跟鞋的姐妹们,因为我本身已经很高了(175CM),所以买的仅有的几双高跟鞋只能在家过过瘾,上班穿只能头顶天棚了。女人还是应该穿高跟鞋呀,风姿绰约味道才能出来。

  3. 有的啊,反正好看的款都是没有号或什么好看的颜色什么的,但是我们圣诞后到处都在打折的,所以如果有好的适合自己的,圣诞过后买是最为得过的啦....

  4. 哇,芳芳如果我有你那么高的身高,我就天天平跟鞋,哈哈,,,其实我特别羡慕那些高高的MM,长长的腿穿着长裙再穿着平底鞋,还能显得那么高挑,还有夏天的时候穿着短裤再穿着夹角拖,还那么好看,哈哈,芳芳这么高的身高,不用穿高跟鞋也能穿出风姿绰约的味道呀^^

  5. 这鞋看起来很危险的样子哦? 真的很舒服吗? 如果是的话我也买啊, 是ASOS上买的?

  6. 很简约的设计,还是隐形防水台,真的很不错啊!多少钱?会不会很贵?

  7. Hallie, the look is awesome! I stopped by at target in town, but I didn’t have any thing catch my eyes! I like the jacket you wear today, I promise you that I will get a big no-no from my mama as she bought me one in China! I am on diet now, hopefully I can rock the dress for xmas… Unfortunately, I got sick, and I have to stay on bed w/o hit the gym…doctor said working out may lead the infection spread out…huh! How about the weather in L.A? I heard it sucks, hope your family are ok…

  8. 会不会容易摔跟头吗,早点看到好了,今天我哥哥还去香港了,只让他带了D家的羽绒马甲,好长草你的这些美鞋,这鞋码正吗?我,我又动心了我。。对了,我也想知道你们那多少钱。。

  9. 好久好久没来Hallie姐姐这边留言了,虽然都偷偷的看了 哈哈

    记得吃饺子+汤圆啊 哈哈

  10. 谢谢Xier MM, 也祝你节日快乐哈!


  11. 这鞋码正的啊,反正这种鞋子不是拿来跑的啊,跑的话肯定摔,哈哈....D家是哪一家呀?嘻嘻...什么样的马甲,拍张相片瞧瞧?^^

  12. oh, you poor baby, sick in the holiday, anyway, just take it easy and get more rest! and I hope you get fully recover soon!
    We have more storm and more rain coming from last night, and we get wet and wetter….now I miss the sun:)

  13. 美金160,呵呵,JC家的鞋子一般都不是很贵的,而且这种水台高跟还特别舒服,这么说吧,网上买过的人全部是5星好评!

  14. 是看起来很危险,我原来也看着担心,但是实在是火得不得了,而且哪里都断销,一些网站甚至提前订货到明年的5月.所以就下手了,穿上还真的是觉得很值 ...

  15. 原来Hallie今年超级迷豹纹和超高跟鞋,一直犹豫要不要看上很久的那件棕色皮衣,看了Hallie的这身打扮,终于下定决心去买了,哈哈

  16. 种草成功决定下手,准备找香港代购,价格也差不多。D就是duvetica哦,呵呵,有时间这次采购的都拍上。

  17. 好便宜哇~~~我哭。。。这个鞋子在国内早开两千,然后活动再打六折啥的。。。

  18. 啊? 那Rachel 买了没? 嘻嘻, 看你把这价格了解得这么清楚, 估计也很喜欢这鞋子吧? ^^

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