I Miss The Park And You!

Yesterday, we tried to go the park, but it’s close because of the flood, and today we tried to go another park, it’s rain again! I know Red Bear Really miss the park,  and his dad, so do I.

Since I didn’t take some pictures today, so these pictures was taken few weeks ago, we stay in the park and played a little bit before we went do have dinner with Red Bear’s Grandpa. Somehow I do not really like this outfits, do you like it?

Vintage blouse

Zara sweater vest

BDG Jeans

Louis Vuitton Bag

Asos Ring

Jeffrey Campbell wedges

Thrifted Belt

H&M sunglasses/Necklace

18 thoughts on “I Miss The Park And You!

  1. 深蓝色的衬衣不错的,找个亮色来撞撞它。这样你的心情也会明亮起来。

  2. 一直很喜欢你这个戒指,主要是这个颜色,我也一直在寻找类似的,呵呵

  3. Hallie, why didn’t you like this awesome outfit?? That’s insane! It’s flawless, really flawless!!! I love every piece, everything’s so gorgeously combined! I don’t know what to say, because there is honestly nothing to comment about! Seriously! It’s awesome! I’m putting this on Hallie’s inspirational folder! 🙂

    Oh and Red Bear is so cute, playing with his car! 🙂

  4. 其实这身很好看的,Hallie。只是没有你一贯的带有微微的甜美味道而已

  5. 是吗? 呵呵, 太安慰我了,,,,不过我还是蛮喜欢那件衬衣的颜色的, 改天再拿她来配配其他的…

  6. 回来了回来了, 今晚半夜2点到, 本来要早点的, 可是转机的迈阿蜜机场昨晚起火, 现在一切航班统统延误,,,,唉,,,,

  7. 现在这种戒指到处都是, 而且颜色还很丰富, 亲爱的应该不难找得到吧:)

  8. 嗯嗯, 下次再拿这衬衣来配配别的,,,其实我也很喜欢那颜色…

  9. 呵呵, 我发现Jackie蛮喜欢这种类型的鞋子, 你稍稍留意下Jeffrey Campbell这牌子, 他家的鞋子又有高度, 又有舒适性, 还有时尚度:)

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