Hands Full

Have you been watching all the shows from NYFW and now LDFW? I really wish I could have more time to watch every shows. There are so many good inspiration, and wonderful designs.

Did you noticed my today’s outfits was inspired by Paul Smith. I fell in love with their this season’s collections!Paul gave his menswear-inspired looks a poppy, preppy polish, like throwing a mannish coat over a polka-dot blazer and rust-colored cropped and cuffed pants. or putting a bright orange waistband on a pair of pinstripe trousers. And I really like his high-waisted narrow pants, cuffed at the ankle, rolled-up cords, slouchy khakis. Wish I can own one one day^^

Bob is very sick today, he stay on bed almost all the time, and Red Bear have been sick for a week, my hands are very full, but I know I like to be watch by you and I care about if you are watching me too ^^

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Paul Smith??????????????????????????????????


Zara Blazer/hat

Levi’s Jeans

Forever21 Cardigan

Alexandera Neel Booties

20 thoughts on “Hands Full

  1. 好俏皮的小帽子~~~这身很有设计感呢~~~好看,祝家人身体快好起来吧~~~我是财迷啊~~

  2. Hallie这段时间应该很辛苦啦。注意自己的身体,别累坏了。多休息一下。这个搭配好有感觉。象艺术家吧?画家?发现你有好多不同款的外套哦。

  3. 大家都快些好吧,希望你和家人都快乐、健康!姐妹们也很在意你是否开心!

  4. 谢谢亲爱的看看.其实每天和姐妹们一起聊这聊那的,我也很开心,每天忙碌着家里的事,在这一刻很轻松很开心:D

  5. 嘻嘻,我的衣服是多了点,不过再多也不嫌多的.但是我拿来东搭西搭的也多,比如这条牛仔裤我最近不是穿了三次了吗?

  6. 很有设计感,嘻嘻,SUE说象艺术家或画家,看来是挺有设计感啊,,,扮野...哈哈

  7. 我每天都会很不自觉的来这瞄一眼,然后非常满意的离开···亲爱滴这身搭配很棒!不过我穿的话肯定会戴顶报童帽,耍酷!额哈哈~

  8. 嘻嘻,每天看到你们的这些留言真开心,还非常满意的离开,哈哈,真逗!!!

  9. HALLIE那么忙还更新跟我们看, 感动ING…注意身体哦, 那这组相片是自拍的了, 真是自拍都比我帮人拍得好啊

  10. 嘻嘻,可是每天得到大家的留言,也是我很开心的一件事.那些相片是自拍的呢,老公躺床上一天啦,呵呵,我可以说现在自拍是越来越有感觉了呢^^

  11. 这身既不是很张扬,但又很现代时尚感,有种自由的感觉。真好!

  12. 亲爱的:


  13. 晕, 你都说是叶子了, 我还不知道你是谁呀? 哈哈,,,欢迎欢迎!!!我很久没上MSN了, 今晚开始我上去找你, 咱们聊上就知道你的行程了,看看能不能见上面啊:)

  14. Hi Hallie, it’s Sam from Chictopia! Thanks for the sweet comment- I’ve been following you on chictopia as well since you’re a front page fixture!
    And as you probably know I love love this menswear look. The jeans look awesome on you (me with wide hips not a good idea) and the Zara blazer looks beautiful!

    Where are you based? I guess I can find out by stalking your page after I post this comment! 😛


  15. Hey! Sam!!! welcome! good to see you here. 🙂 see one thing to go to Chictopia is make some good friends. I was born in China, and now I am living in Los Angels, CA, US. and you in HK? right? I been to HK many times, I love there!!!! maybe next time when I come there, I can give you a call. ^^
    Smiling! 😀

  16. Hi! I have already told you how much I love this outfit in Chictopia! But seriously, I cannot stop looking at these pictures! I’m trying to find words to describe the perfect, the flawless. This is amazing. You should be a model! You’re a great inspiration for me and I’m sure many people think the same! Most of your outfits are saved into my inspirational folder! WOW! 🙂

  17. 可不是嘛, 好多天才的设计, 太漂亮太漂亮, 现在的时尚真的是让人赏心悦目

  18. I am the model!!!! within our family, hahah…in this point, you are model too…and all your supports are my most wonderful inspiration!!!!

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