I’ll Get You A New One

Red Bear asked me what was I doing when I found a white hair on my head?accidentally and tried to pull out.

“It’s a white hair, I am getting old”, I said.

“Are you old? I will get you a new one!” Red Bear said.

Hahah,,,Feeling old is terrible, because I would be replaced. 😀

Lafayette 148 New York skirt

Vintage Cardigan

I Heart Ronson

Forever21 Peep Toe Wedges

Bally Bag

Bracelet from Target

Ring: Free People

23 thoughts on “I’ll Get You A New One

  1. 哈哈,原来层次比较简单的, 就是穿了件无袖的上装,谁知出门前感觉还是凉了, 又回去加了件,但是觉得还是凉, 于是又加了件, 哈哈....纯属意外.

  2. awww cute necklace!! love the skirt so much 😀
    and always cute match outfit 😀 hihi send my best love to Red Bear 😀

  3. 这条长裙好民族啊!喜欢!偶尔有一根白头发可以忽略不计,呵呵!

  4. 看到RB奔跑的那张相片,感觉他真的是大孩子了,555555。时间过的那么快,白头发是肯定的啦。唉~~
    这样混搭的效果不错哦,真的是意外吗? 那我希望这样的意外明天也发生在我身上,呵呵。

  5. 嘿嘿, 精心的意外!
    RB真的长大了,某天我在看他小时候的相片, 好怀念那时的时光, 现在好象长大了,都没以前那么可爱了…沮丧ING^^

  6. hallie,请原谅那么长的时间没来留言,因为工作有点小变动增加了工作量,比起以前比较忙点了,回家还得有个小的得辅导还有做不完的家务事,你理解的,但是心理还是一直挂念着你的时尚,我会把没看过的都一一看过的,今天这套好有味道哦!超级喜欢有种不一样的气质!!!RB是长大了,一样的心情,希望他们长大同时也害怕他们长大,好纠结啊!

  7. MAY这么忙还来看我, 真的很谢谢你!!!!
    你说的那句希望宝宝们长大, 但是又担心他们长大, 真的是说到心坎去了,,,,原来当妈妈的都是一样的心情.
    这段时间美国这里有个很出名的CASE, 就是一个单亲妈妈为了能天天去BAR, 自己去玩, 弄了睡眠剂给3 岁大的女儿经常用, 最后还杀死女儿的事, 不知道你有没有看, 我一直都想不通, 这世界上怎么会有这样的妈妈?

  8. 白头发,真巧,上个星期和妹妹去店搞头发,给她发现了我也有白头发,一整条全白,那一刻我也傻眼了,以前一直庆幸年龄老,但没出现什么特征,象白头发,细纹什么的,现在慢慢地冒出来了,还一件件来吓唬我似的。而且自己还没怎样保养了。懒嘛。哈,RB的GET YOU A NEW ONE 这句好可爱的回答,发现小朋友的语言是很有趣的。这搭配是另有一番味道的。

  9. Hey Hal!! How are you?? I’m sorry for the long absence, but finally my exams are ooooooveeerr! (yes, I sang that! :D) I’m happy to read your posts again! 😀
    But..white hair? YOU? No, no, I don’t believe it! You are what? 30? It’s not possible that you have a white hair and of course you’ll never be old. You know, you are as old as you feel. And you are awesome, as young and beautiful as ever! That said, this outfit is simply GORGEOUS! Angelic beauty! All these layers, the maxi skirt, the cardigan, the plaid shirt, omgoooooooooooooood, I’m dying! Everything’s perfect, absolutely perfect! I lovelovelove your style, you already know 😀
    hehe I also adore Red Bear’s look! You are matchy matchy, you’re wearing both plaid shirts 🙂 Give him a huuuge kiss, I missed him and you these days 🙂

  10. Yeah!!!! I am so glad your exams finally end! and you can have more fun now!!!I will tell Red Bear about the good news too, heheh…

  11. 我觉得皮肤还可以保养啥的, 可是白头发长了就长了, 还怎么保养不长白头发呀, 汗….孩子们都在长大, 我们变老了也是当然的事情喽…..伤心…

  12. 这个博客的存在将是你永远年轻美丽的最好证明!Don’t Worry^^这么多人爱你……

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