Influence, Seen, And Interview

You all know about the Chictopia Influential Blogger of the Year Award. The voting is ended, and congrats to Folake Huntoon, she won the competition.  Well deserved, Folake!

Now I want to give a BIG thanks to all my friends and family who voted to me. I always appreciate your support and your love.  It helps to inspire me and makes it so much fun to create this website.  Thank you guys!




More featuring want to share with you, I been selected as one of the best of the style blogs last week on NYMag The Cut Blog, I hope you like the picture too:)


And if you have time and want to check out my little interview by Fashion. Best Friend Forever, you can click here. Don’t forget to check out other amazing bloggers’ interviews too:)


Have a happy Monday everyone, we are heading to Las Vegas right now. If you are by any chance in Vegas tonight, come catch Red Bear with me! 😀

16 thoughts on “Influence, Seen, And Interview

  1. Hallie..加油,你还是最棒的,看来Hallie是越来越红的。每个网站都注意到你的博客了。真厉害的。

  2. Congrats on your featuring,I’ve seen the interview on Chictopia and enjoyed reading your answer and get to know you a little bit!Glad to support you,too!;)

  3. I voted 4 u!!! and if it makes u feel better I like ur style way better than hers!:) ur the most stylish person I know!!! xoxo

  4. (Uhm… I left a comment before in this post, but I don’t think it was left… So I’ll write it again!)
    I’m really really sad you didn’t win. 🙁 When I read it, I was like “OH NOOOOO”. This can’t happen. I mean, I do respect Folake’s style, but YOU should have won. You deserved it more than anyone. If I could vote more than once, I’d vote for you fifty times a day! I guess that every thing happens for a year..
    Anyway, congrats for the features! I LOVE your interview at the Fashion.Best Friends Forever! The way you describe your style is sooo amazing! Noone could ever describe it better! And indeed…I’ve never seen you without sunglasses in a post! There are always some pics with sunnies!! And that is good, because even if the sun is nice, it can create wrinkles around our eyes, which isn’t nice! lol!
    Anyway, see ya soon 🙂

  5. Folake has incredible style, and everyone who was nominated is amazing. Congratulations on your Fashion BFF interview and The Cut feature! I’m so happy for you! Are you going to any LAFW events this month?

  6. 看了Fashion. Best Friend Forever給妳做的小訪問囉!

  7. I’m sorry you didn’t win but I did vote for you. =) You definitely would have deserved it and great tips on your interview =)

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