Inspired By Free People

Inspired by one of the picture from Free People January Catalog, (you know which one? ^^ you can check it out from here), They have such a stunning shoot and amazing stuff in the catalog,  And with the Eiffel Tower as the background, so romantic and beautiful, you just want to own everything!

Oh, Hell, how I wish to come to Paris again! Last time I was there, living in a hotel just 5 mins walking away from the Eiffel, we just walk by while sunrise and sunset, such a beautiful moment! I miss that!

 H&M Fringe leather Jacket/tote

Vintage Dress

William Rast for Target Denim Shirt

Frye Boots

6 thoughts on “Inspired By Free People

  1. 我发现了!

  2. wow!演绎得很完美啊!既轻松又摩登!

  3. 看看的文字能力好强哦, 哈哈, 我现在其实就是在写博客的时候写写, 想想当年还当过语文科代表, 现在是写文字的时候想挤点东西出来都很困难, 唉….
    其实我真的没有什么了不起的, 就是年轻的时候肯干点, 运气稍稍好一点, 一直都遇上可以帮助自己的人….
    我现在倒是有很多想法什么的, 比如想再去上学, 学法律或设计什么的….等孩子长大吧, 到时当时尚学堂老奶奶:)
    看看呢? 以后有什么想法吗?

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