Interview By Chictopia EIU Blog Contributing Editor

Last week, I got a chance for a interview by Chictopia EIU blog contributiong editor Cris(fashion juice), I finally got all translate in Chinese, I hope you like the interview.

And Thanks so much , Cris!  for giving me such wonderful interview!

Hallie of HallieDaily is one of our Style Icons this March. For months, I’ve been eyeing on this lovely Chictopian and I knew it was only time until she got the title of a Chictopia Style Icon! This mom has got some serious sense of style. So we decided to ask her a few questions to let us in on her styling secrets! Let’s find out more about her, shall we?


Blog name: Hallie Daily
Twitter: No, I haven’t opened a Twitter account or started tweeting.
Facebook: No again, I have a Facebook account, but I haven’t done anything there. All my available time is spent on (Do I sound like an alien now?)
Location: California, USA


Favorite Quote/s:

1. ”Inspiration comes of working every day” – Charles Baudelaire
2. ”whatever you are, be a good one” – Abraham Lincoln
3. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are” – Theodore Roosevelt
4. “Tell me what company you keep and I’ll tell you what you are” – Miguel de Cervantes
5. “Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.” – David Frost


1. You’re one of the latest Chictopia Style Icons for the month of March. What was your first reaction when you found out about it?

Well, want the truth? Actually, I was really hoping that I could be a Chictopia Style Icon for January or February. After I found out I wasn’t, I was so disappointed and told my hubby I need to work harder to achieve my goal. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to be awful, but as Napoleon said: “Every French soldier carries a marshal’s baton in his knapsack.”

And, of course, I was SUPER happy when I found out I became one of the latest Chictopia Style Icons for the month of March, because there are so many other awesome stylish Chictopians there, and I believe most of them carry a Style Icon title in their knapsack, too.


2. Do you have any tips for aspiring Style Icons here in the Chictopia community?

Be sincere and loving.

In the beginning, I didn’t really care about the comments that other people left me. I had very bad experiences in some other websites. There are some people saying the same things to different posts, and they really didn’t mean anything. And after a few weeks experience in Chictopia, I noticed there are some very sincere people here and they always give memorable comments and that really impressed me. Besides posting my pictures daily (almost), if I have time, I try to read very carefully about the posts I like right from the first sight, and leave a comment from my heart. I know everybody works hard for every post, whether writing or picture taking and editing. I think leaving a nice and fulfilling comment is very respectable. I know, sometimes I feel I lack the words and all I can say is, “Love it”… heheh…


3. How do you best describe your style?

That’s an interesting question, unfortunately, I’m not able to answer it. I think each person has a little bit of “everything” in their personality and act every way imaginable at some point in their life. Your fashion style is like your personality, it cannot be described in a few words. Like me, I am a mom, my hubby’s baby, my dad’s daughter, my friends’ lovely friend, so, I think my fashion style is idiosyncratic like the others, but it does often lean towards my role style in the life.


4. You’re a stylish mom and being a mother and homemaker isn’t exactly an easy task. How do you make time for your outfit posts while taking care of your son? Do you set a schedule for your blog and outfit posts because we noticed you’ve been posting almost daily and that’s pretty hard to do on a regular basis?

Yes, being a full time mom is really handful most of time. But usually I still have 1-2 hours a day to do my regular posts.

First, I have to thank my dear hubby and my sweet little boy, they really support me in every way, like my hubby taking pictures for me whenever he has time, and my little 3 [almost] years old boy. Most of time he just plays by himself while I am busy and doesn’t bother me at all. Plus, he takes his nap everyday for 1.5 hours, that gives me enough time to edit and post pictures.

Secondly, I have to thank my career before. I was a business woman before I married. I do things with very high efficiency and I work very hard. Plus, this is something I really enjoy and it makes me happy when I read so many nice comments here!


5. We’ve seen some of your gorgeous bags and shoes. Are you a baghag or a shoe-a-holic?

Hmmm… after reading this question, I took a look at the place where I store my bags and shoes, and I can’t explain how can I have so many bags and shoes if I am not a baghag or a shoe-a-holic!?


6. Favorite Bag/Shoe Designers?

There are several bag/shoe designers I like, Chanel, Chloe, Prada, Miu Miu, Jeffrey Campbell, oh, and Zara too. I have many favorite bags/shoes that come from different designers, and I love them all.


7. Do you have any Chictopia Style Icons or fashion bloggers that inspire you?

No, I don’t have just a few specific persons that inspire me, in fact, I got inspiration by almost everybody/everything, and thanks to every lovely Chictopian here, I get so much inspiration from you!


8. If you have to choose 5 favorite pieces from your closet, what would they be?

1. Chanel classic flap bag. It never runs out of age and style.
2. My New Balance running shoes. No, you never see them in my post, but I wear them almost every day! In the garden or to the park. I imagine if some emergency happens, I can grab my son and run like the wind with them.
3. One of my floppy hats. It can block the sun for me, and makes me so stylish with a very plain outfit.
4. A white button down boyfriend shirt. They go with EVERYTHING!
5. A nice pearl necklace that my husband gave me when we first met. I met him in Los Angeles when I traveled to the USA. The next day that I left for New York, he sent me this necklace to my hotel in New York. (No, I didn’t marry him for that reason.)


Thank you so much to Hallie for giving us this wonderful opportunity to interview such a stylish Icon! So go ahead my fellow Chictopians… check out her photos, visit her page and be inspired!

Have a stylish day!

Cris Zaragoza (Fashion Juice)

23 thoughts on “Interview By Chictopia EIU Blog Contributing Editor

  1. WOW…..WOW…..WOW….Hallieeee,THIS IS the REAL surprise!!!!!!! I love your answers,you are a very sincere and beautiful person.It make you so charming!!!
    Keep working!!!
    I wish your a wonderful weeken!

  2. One more thing,Cris Zaragoza.This family name origin is spanish.ZARAGOZA is a capital of the province Zaragoza of Spain.It’s a nice place.So i guess the given name origin from spanish………I Guess…….

  3. Hhahaa I really enjoyed reading your answers and thanks for being so honest! You know I also do not read my comments because…. I’m kind of scared of insincerity? It sounds rather odd but at times I don’t even check my Chictopia account after I just posted.

    Btw I like the story of the pearl necklace- he sounds really sweet. ^^
    And I hope some of us carry the Style Icon title in a clutch than a knapsack
    AND you know that New Balance sneakers are huge in Korea? all the girls wear them with everything and it’s considered very stylish there!! Maybe you ought to do a post wearing them! 😛


  4. 好棒哦。发现Hallie的回答好完美。有种说不出的满意。可能你的成功跟你的性格和工作,生活都有着关系。总之,你是能让生活变得更自信更美满的女人。真要向你学习。在这访问中,我应该学到了一种生活态度。加油哦。。

  5. Thanks Joanne, I am glad you like my answers. 🙂
    I will keep working hard, and I hope can get your love all the way:)

    Wish you a happy weekend too!

  6. heheh….maybe I should go ask Cris, you can go check on her website too, she has amazing website:)

  7. hahah,,,I like reading your this comment, it bring me another big smile on my face:D

    My new balance is a runny shoes, not a fashion sneakers, for wearing a outfits with them…I doubt if anyone would like it…lol…

  8. 认真的看完了HALLIE给我不少启示.真的看出来你以前一定是工作狂,你对事情这么执着..做起工作来一定用心.我要好好学习,不能总是抱怨工作中的压力太大.要在其中找到乐趣…


  9. 哈哈!特喜欢你关于是不是包包、鞋子控的回答,特别可爱!如果有人问我为什么会成为你的粉丝,我一定会说,因为你是个特幽默、特善良的时尚达人!

  10. 亲爱的Hallie,真替你高兴呢,也让我们粉丝再一次了解了一下你呢 呵呵 希望Hallie以后能开心幸福~~~

  11. !!!!! 😀 😀 Honestly this is one of my favorite interviews ever and to be honest, I read it often 😀 Your answers are so amazing and true 🙂 I love your personality and I love that you are yourself and you don’t try to immitate anybody 🙂 You do deserve to be a Style Icon, because your style is so freaking inspirint, but seriously, I did expect you to become a Style Icon earlier as well.. I thought is was just TOO odd 🙂 We love you just the way you are, don’t ever change 😀

  12. Thanks Tracy! I am going, and I hope everything of you going wonderful too!

  13. Ok, I wouldn’t change, and you please don’t change too, my little cute sweet kind and beautiful Angel!

  14. 工作狂谈不上,但是做起事情来比较认真,什么事都喜欢亲历亲为,所以有时候也比较累自己.不过确实是,如果能在工作中找到乐趣,那叫不做工作,叫玩了:), 玩没有压力了吧...

  15. 好棒的Interview呀!你的回复中透出幽默, 但同时也能感受出你的真诚。我觉得你身上最值得我们学习的是你对事情的执着和你做事情的认真。支持Hallie!!!

  16. 感觉Hallie好了不起哦,同时也很幸运的能成为Hallie身边亲近的人,爱Hallie, 为你骄傲和自豪!

  17. 谢谢娃娃:) , 希望今后一路上咱们还互相支持, 一起加油!

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