Interview Wear: Cropped Jacket, Polka Dot Shirt and Distressed Jeans

Hallie Daily Cropped Jacket Polka Dot Shirt and Distressed Jeans_2Yesterday, I was interviewed by a reporter for a daily newspaper (will let you know more later), and this is what I wore for the interview.  I wanted to keep the whole outfit looking pretty decent, while still mixing in my personal favorite elements, like print, colors and polka dot, to make the whole look formal but still fun.

Hallie Daily Cropped Jacket Polka Dot Shirt and Distressed Jeans_3

Hallie Daily Cropped Jacket Polka Dot Shirt and Distressed Jeans_4

Hallie Daily Cropped Jacket Polka Dot Shirt and Distressed Jeans_5

Hallie Daily Cropped Jacket Polka Dot Shirt and Distressed Jeans_6Cropped Jacket: Mcginn(gifted)

Polka Dot Shirt:MinkPink(old)

Distressed Jeans: J Brand 811 Photo Ready Mid-Rise Skinny Leg

Leopard Pumps: Loeffler Randall

Triangle Print Leather Medium Pouch: Proenza Schouler

9 thoughts on “Interview Wear: Cropped Jacket, Polka Dot Shirt and Distressed Jeans

  1. My dear Hallie, it’s been a while! As I can see you truly followed your passion and I admire you deeply for that!! I thought I’d pop in as I came across your blog for work a couple weeks ago. Hardly ever get to read blogs any more due to a full-time job and two kids. Still loving what I see, though:)

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