I like fall, the most beautiful season in the year, I think! After starting this blog, I realized how amazing Fall is to us: layers, layers and more layers!!!
We have have very chilly weather in the morning and at night these days in Los Angeles, is it fall yet? I hope so.
But then another issue stared bothering me. I get tired and feel bore about my hair, I feel it has no shape and no layer (yes, I say layer again!) at all. Seriously thinking to get a new hair style, some cut? some color? Any suggestion?
Anthropologie Trench Coat(old)
Liz Claiborne Plaid Shirt(old)
Ann Taylor Green Skirt(old)
Michael Kors Clutch
Giuseppe Zanotti Booties
D&G Watch
Karen Walker No.1 Sunglasses
I’m only your husband, and I know NOTHING about style, but I vote for your natural wavy look! That’s how it was when I fell in love with you, and I can’t imagine it any other way.
Woohooo!!!! Greatly put, mr Husband!!!! Hal, I already said it SO many times, I LOVE your hair! I wish my hair was that beautiful. That said, sometimes we don’t recognise how gorgeous we look…and after all, we all need a change once in a while, no? I’m not sure what I would change in your hair (actually I am, NOTHING :P), but I beg you, DON’T CUT IT!!!! The length is so incredibly pretty, it would be a shame to cut it! Maybe some brown-blonde highlights? Anyway, I’m pretty sure that you’ll look stunning whatever you do to it! It’s just hairs after all, they’ll grow back!
Oh and of course…the sunglasses! Ah! MR.HUSBAND, YOU ROOOOCK!
Plaid shirts for the win! Both cute and beautiful! 

As for the outfit, I’m speechless! And totally jealous! I can’t wait for the weather to chill a bit, because layering is the charm of fall! Your trench is honestly to die for! It reminds me of Gossip Girl for some reason… Gorgeous! And I love the color of the skirt! Fall color blocking! WOW! You’re awesome!
Hahaha, you and Red Bear wear matchy outfits again
I’m off to sleep now because I won’t wake up tomorrow
wow love the outfit! yes i agree, i love autumn! im super psyched for it…i’m tired of sweating LOL!!
why don’t you try a classic bob as a new cut?
that gives a new edge and youth-y vibe~!
You look beautiful,hon!Leave your hair like that!It s so….you!Your husband is so right!Love the outfit and those gorgeous shoes!
You are so right, autumn is the best season for fashion, even for me who I really hate those rainy cold autumn days. Fortunately here is still summerish, so I can still enjoy this beautfiul weather but I have to admit that I can’t wait cu wear more layers
Anyway you look amazing as always, and Red Bear is the cutest boy ever! xoxoxo
After so many colorful summer ´s outfits ,here we´re continuing fall color blocking,you know what?Demy had said what i have to say,:P.I love all pieces of this outfits ,i know i always say that,haha:P but i can’t evade that.
About your hair? i think you look perfectly with your hair stlye,but i understand you want to have some change,like me,i did it .haha:P i talked about change my hair style with my hubby around one year,finally i went to make some cut,then i felt so so so sorry about it,before i have my hair as long as your’s, n everybody told me that they love my hair.After all ,the only thing i can do is grow my hair,few monthes later i changed the color of my hair,it make me feel better after so many change.Well,every case is different,if i have to say something about your hair style,i think maybe you can try straight ,no cut!:P straight like waterfall,haha:P.you can try it for only one day!haha:P:D
greeting to your family!
Thanks Joanne! for your kind advice! I looked at those pictures you sent to me, you have lovely hair!!!
About Straight like a waterfall, I done that before, I like it:)) hehehe…
唉, 我跟我老公说, 你当面和我说不得了, 还网上留言??? 哈哈…
关于染发, 还别说, 我还蛮想染个黄色的,哈哈...
嘻嘻, 喜欢这个"脆"字!
你已经在计划着秋天的节目了吗? 我觉得秋天最适合做烧烤了, 呵呵...
还浪漫呢, 呵呵,昨天我还和他:你说不管怎样都会爱 我, 难道我的头发变了就不爱了? 哈哈...不过我还真考虑染染呢, 头发又长又黑,很多时候不太好配衣服,而且头重脚轻的.不过说又说, 染发我是属于那种又想又怕的那种, 呵呵...
hahaha,,,Mr. husband!!! you make me laugh here:D
I like your idea about brown-blonde highlights…surprise, Mr. husband said he might not hate that..hehahaah….
Thank you Alex! for your kind advice:D
No cut pls,if not you hubby will miss your long hair !!:D
no cut no cut, how about trim, hahaha…
我也有听说,要是染了头发就要一直染下去的说法. 可是觉得这头黑发有些时候看起来真的很沉重呀!!!头疼...
哈哈,真的吗? 留言也好看的吗?那我以后留言得更用心些了:)
对啊,现在我是真的很羡慕那些长着棕色发黄头发的人, 哈哈...你拍个相片我看看吧,,我就拿着你的相片去给发型师做色得了.呵呵...
经你这么一鼓动,我还真的是很想大改变呢!!!不过还是怕怕, 哈哈...
其实巴西吹直还是拉直的一种,只不过更自然和更有弹性...那种以前的拉直发很贴合, 有时候也很死板...我以前就是经常拉,现在自己用直发器, 真得都有点烦了.