Is It Fall Yet?

I like fall, the most beautiful season in the year,  I think! After starting this blog, I realized how amazing Fall is to us: layers, layers and more layers!!!

We have have very chilly weather in the morning and at night these days in Los Angeles, is it fall yet? I hope so. 🙂

But then another issue stared bothering me. I get tired and feel bore about my hair, I feel it has no shape and no layer (yes, I say layer again!) at all. Seriously thinking to get a new hair style, some cut? some color? Any suggestion?

Anthropologie Trench Coat(old)

Liz Claiborne Plaid Shirt(old)

Ann Taylor Green Skirt(old)

Michael Kors Clutch

Giuseppe Zanotti Booties

D&G Watch

Karen Walker No.1 Sunglasses

30 thoughts on “Is It Fall Yet?

  1. I’m only your husband, and I know NOTHING about style, but I vote for your natural wavy look! That’s how it was when I fell in love with you, and I can’t imagine it any other way.

  2. Woohooo!!!! Greatly put, mr Husband!!!! Hal, I already said it SO many times, I LOVE your hair! I wish my hair was that beautiful. That said, sometimes we don’t recognise how gorgeous we look…and after all, we all need a change once in a while, no? I’m not sure what I would change in your hair (actually I am, NOTHING :P), but I beg you, DON’T CUT IT!!!! The length is so incredibly pretty, it would be a shame to cut it! Maybe some brown-blonde highlights? Anyway, I’m pretty sure that you’ll look stunning whatever you do to it! It’s just hairs after all, they’ll grow back! 😛
    As for the outfit, I’m speechless! And totally jealous! I can’t wait for the weather to chill a bit, because layering is the charm of fall! Your trench is honestly to die for! It reminds me of Gossip Girl for some reason… Gorgeous! And I love the color of the skirt! Fall color blocking! WOW! You’re awesome! 🙂 Oh and of course…the sunglasses! Ah! MR.HUSBAND, YOU ROOOOCK!
    Hahaha, you and Red Bear wear matchy outfits again 😀 Plaid shirts for the win! Both cute and beautiful! 😀
    I’m off to sleep now because I won’t wake up tomorrow 😛

  3. wow love the outfit! yes i agree, i love autumn! im super psyched for it…i’m tired of sweating LOL!!

    why don’t you try a classic bob as a new cut? 😀 that gives a new edge and youth-y vibe~!

  4. 好浪漫的留言!

  5. 哈哈。看来Hallie也被头发难到了吗?剪短一点吧。或者电大波浪发型呢。应该都很有美感。要不去问问发型师意见。这长外套又登场啦。那应该你们那秋天也到了。是真的喜欢秋天,而且秋天的话很多户外活动都可以组织到。所以我在计划着秋天的节目,呵呵。

  6. 一直以來都好喜歡妳的長髮~


  7. You look beautiful,hon!Leave your hair like that!It s so….you!Your husband is so right!Love the outfit and those gorgeous shoes!

  8. 你的头发是有段时间没动了,做个层次改个造型挺好的,不过不建议你改颜色,一头黑发在美国的街头应该是很特别吧,这样既时尚又自然。

  9. You are so right, autumn is the best season for fashion, even for me who I really hate those rainy cold autumn days. Fortunately here is still summerish, so I can still enjoy this beautfiul weather but I have to admit that I can’t wait cu wear more layers 😉 Anyway you look amazing as always, and Red Bear is the cutest boy ever! xoxoxo

  10. After so many colorful summer ´s outfits ,here we´re continuing fall color blocking,you know what?Demy had said what i have to say,:P.I love all pieces of this outfits ,i know i always say that,haha:P but i can’t evade that.
    About your hair? i think you look perfectly with your hair stlye,but i understand you want to have some change,like me,i did it .haha:P i talked about change my hair style with my hubby around one year,finally i went to make some cut,then i felt so so so sorry about it,before i have my hair as long as your’s, n everybody told me that they love my hair.After all ,the only thing i can do is grow my hair,few monthes later i changed the color of my hair,it make me feel better after so many change.Well,every case is different,if i have to say something about your hair style,i think maybe you can try straight ,no cut!:P straight like waterfall, can try it for only one day!haha:P:D
    greeting to your family!

  11. Thanks Joanne! for your kind advice! I looked at those pictures you sent to me, you have lovely hair!!!
    About Straight like a waterfall, I done that before, I like it:)) hehehe…

  12. 我的发型师建议我弄个"巴西吹直"看看有听说过这玩意吗?
    关于染发, 还别说, 我还蛮想染个黄色的,哈哈...

  13. 嗯嗯,我也觉得我会去问问我的发型师,上次她说让我做个"巴西吹直",这次再听听她的意见:)
    你已经在计划着秋天的节目了吗? 我觉得秋天最适合做烧烤了, 呵呵...

  14. 还浪漫呢, 呵呵,昨天我还和他:你说不管怎样都会爱 我, 难道我的头发变了就不爱了? 哈哈...不过我还真考虑染染呢, 头发又长又黑,很多时候不太好配衣服,而且头重脚轻的.不过说又说, 染发我是属于那种又想又怕的那种, 呵呵...

  15. hahaha,,,Mr. husband!!! you make me laugh here:D
    I like your idea about brown-blonde highlights…surprise, Mr. husband said he might not hate that..hehahaah….

  16. 还真没听过“巴西吹直”,但可以想见,巴西人的头发应该是强健、充满弹性的吧。

  17. 现在不仅看hallie的搭配,看留言也是一种享受了。呵呵~~

  18. 别染啊,自然发色多好看啊,染了之后就得一直染,要不长了一段时间,一截黑的一截黄的~~~~个人感觉啊,东方人染黄色头发显得有些CHEAP,还是黑发衬着你雪白的肤色显得气质华美~~~

  19. 我也有听说,要是染了头发就要一直染下去的说法. 可是觉得这头黑发有些时候看起来真的很沉重呀!!!头疼...

  20. 哈哈,真的吗? 留言也好看的吗?那我以后留言得更用心些了:)
    对啊,现在我是真的很羡慕那些长着棕色发黄头发的人, 哈哈...你拍个相片我看看吧,,我就拿着你的相片去给发型师做色得了.呵呵...
    经你这么一鼓动,我还真的是很想大改变呢!!!不过还是怕怕, 哈哈...

  21. 其实巴西吹直还是拉直的一种,只不过更自然和更有弹性...那种以前的拉直发很贴合, 有时候也很死板...我以前就是经常拉,现在自己用直发器, 真得都有点烦了.

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