Adding bold brights or animal-print accents to a Safari trend, I think it is good for a simply stylish summer!
For me, mixing leopard pattern with a khaki jacket is always one of my favorites. This time, I added one more layer—a military vest, and my new favorite Alexander Wang clutch and booties make this look quite luxe.
P.S. If you ever watch the TV show “Monk”, heheheh,,,,then you should know how to sing the song: “It’s a Jungle Out There”…..
Alexander Wang clutch and Freja Booties
H&M Jacket (old)
Old Navy Vest
Bebe Skirt(old)
D&G watch
Ray Ban Round Sunglasses
Love the Booties! So cute!
Safari and Animal print definitely go together!
Shasie of Live Life in Style
Love this kind of layering,with cool west on top!I don’t have to tell you how amazing those Wang boots are!Craving!:)
brightest piont is the booties and clutch! I like these photos,great photographer
Did you go to church in this outfit too but with the jacket zipped up? I like it- very simple and straightforward. Red Bear matches you!
wooooow…love love love this look! Love all the layering, and don’t get me started on these amazing Wangs
You and Red Bear went both safari lol! You look gorgeous! And these Alexander Wang babies again!! <3 I don't think there's a person who doesn't love them! They're perfect! I also love that you're wearing the bustier, you have such a perfect body
You are amazing! Btw, this last picture is like you stole it from a magazine lol! Maybe you should sell your pics hahaha 
Oh and I wanted to tell you! I received the Romwe stuff and I'm SUPER excited! I LOVELOVELOVE them! I got a pair of jeans, a tee and many accessories! They're all so perfect and I know I'm gonna wear them and love them! And all these thanks to you! I will always be thankful <3 THANKS! You're awesome! Keep rocking my (and many other people's) life!
yes, if I need to go to church, zipped up for sure:D…
Thank you my dear:) I will tell the photographer:D
谢谢亲爱的, 我也是这么想呢, 下一回配裤子穿^^
Thanks Naz:D
Ah,,,I am super exciting for you too! I am glad you have some new stuff for back to school:D
I love your outfit! You look amazing!!!
Holy God… those booties are real beauties! I love them, you look so cool!
我好喜歡看<>的!! 喜歡他雞婆的性格超好笑的.
我自己很想嘗試這樣穿(裡面只有bra top), 只是在中國(或港澳)這樣穿出去一定會被很多人竊竊私語….真的很嚮往外國自由的風氣呀
i wanted to write i like to watch “monk”, it didnt show in my last comment..
呵呵, 其实我老公才是MONK的忠实观众, 我觉得这戏太旧, 只是偶尔看看:)) 不过他的性格确实蛮搞笑的.:D
怪不得几天不见你, 我就想你可能又去旅行了:) 我家老公从不吃醋的,而且我穿什么他都说好看,没想法 , 哈哈!