It’s Not Only For 24 Hours

Thank you so much for all your concern about Red Bear.  He didn’t really eat and drink at all yesterday, and has no energy to do anything, so we took him out near the airport  before dark, and let him watch the airplanes – one of his very favorite things!. He didn’t complain at all about being sick, all he told me is, “I am fine, I am better now..”, But sad to say, he is not fine yet after 24 hours; today the doctor said the “24 hour flu” is not only for 24 hours, but may last 3 days….My poor little boy, he vomits whatever he eat/drink within 1 minute, I wish I can suffer that for him…

About my yesterday’s outfits, the blazer and the yellow were found in a  thrift store.  After a whole day busy cleaning Red Bear’s big mess (clothes/floor/bed), I need some colors to cheer me up…

Thrifted vintage blazer/top

H&M Pants

Asos Sunnis

Miu Miu Heels

18 thoughts on “It’s Not Only For 24 Hours

  1. :O More than 24 hours???????? :O Seriously?? Oh my God… Poor baby. Being tortured like that. 🙁 I’m so sad about that… I really hope that he will get better. My baby… If only I was there, I would give such a huge hug. But I’m not 🙁 Ahh, give him the hug for me..

    Anyway, I think that you look stunning, but you always do so…yes, I’ll just take my hat off for you, because yes, I AM wearing a hat right now (not for the sun, it’s 22.00 lol, but just because!). I’m really wowed by your sense of style, really really WOWED! 😀

    Bye bye, hope Red Bear will be better soon 🙁

  2. 虽然病了可是RB还是看起来挺精神的, 坚强的宝宝!希望他快点好起来呢!

  3. 有了自己的孩子以后我真的很不忍心看到有小孩子受病痛折磨,好可怜的宝贝,好心疼啊!MOMO你试试给他喝点石榴汁,就是用石榴连籽一起打汁,那天看电视养生节目有说,石榴可以消炎收敛,对腹泻特别有效但又不会伤害身体。一起祈祷RB可以快点好起来!

  4. Poor boy,he looks quiet.God bless him,give him health and energy(Señor está con Red Bear,le da salud y paz.)
    Hallie,this outfit just make me wow,you have a fantastic look,stunning!!!Love all pieces!Red pants with the special waistband,clipping:p the round neck yellow shirt and the multicoloured blazer is a great purchased,so original:D
    You look magnificent in this outfits!
    Hope Red Bear can recover soon,kisses for Joanne:p (Que señor le bendiga!)

  5. 怎么我看RB瘦了点的。小孩子就是这样,一不舒服很明显就瘦下来的,因为RB什么都没吃吧。能吃粥吗?总不能什么都没到肚子吧。看着RB心疼啊。赶紧看医生治疗吧。生病就受苦的。Hallie别太担心。不同的颜色搭配,让心情也加分了。保持乐观的态度,加油哦。

  6. RB这种情况是很痛苦的,喝水都会吐的。只有炎症稍微好点才能喝水,喝点粥什么的。阳光总在风雨后,他很快就会康复的。姐姐你们也都注意身体哦!

  7. 可怜的RB!想不到他能这么坚强,希望他快快康复,开心的欢度复活节!春天病菌比较活跃,一定要增加抵抗力啊!

  8. 昨天下午开始就好多了! 晚上睡了一个安稳觉, 今天应该可以很开心的去egg hunt了! 🙂

  9. 是很痛苦的, 最担心的是他身体水份的流失, 不过昨天下午开始就好多了, 谢谢大家的关心:D

  10. 都瘦了几斤了, 身体水份流失很多, 所以现在就是想办法让他补水, 每15分钟让他喝一点点水. 不过从昨天下午开始他已经不再吐了. 谢谢大家的关心!!! 谢谢SUE

  11. Thanks Joanne, how is your weekend doing? I hope it’s great? will you go somewhere for egg hunt? 😀

  12. 是的是的, 有了自己的孩子后真的很能体会到别的小孩子或父母的感受. 医生说只让喝纯水, 还得隔15分钟喂一汤匙, 其他还不能吃, 不过RB现在已经很好了,,,谢谢关心!!! 燕燕的宝宝这段时间也得注意呢, 听医生说这24 hour flu现在很流行….

  13. 哦? 那我还真想不到你会喜欢这两件衣服, 嘻嘻, 其实这件衣服是好多年前老公帮我买的, 他去一家好莱坞店的二手店淘的, 说都是拍电影后的戏服, 估计我这件也哪个明星穿过, 哈哈….

  14. Thank you Demy, Red Bear feeling much better now, and I think he is ready for egg hunt!!!! I can’t wait to tell you how much eggs he hunt today, will show you in pictures, in fact, he will can have twice egg hunts!!!
    How about you? anyplace for fun in this weekend???

    Kissesss from me and REd Bear…

  15. 可憐的RB….他現在好多了吧?? 他真的很堅強很懂事呢! 很乖的孩子!!!!
    好喜歡黃色的上衣啊!! 不知是那個明星穿過呢哈哈 🙂

  16. 哈哈, 我也想知道呢, 这上衣和这西装都是有垫肩的, 可想而知, 是多vintage的东西了.:D

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