Lace Lazy

There is a saying by Harriet Beecher Stowe—-“Human nature is above all things lazy”.

Do you believe that? I do sometimes,  but sometimes Red Bear prove me that I was wrong, whenever I asked him to bring me a bottle of water, no matter he is watching something he is very into it or he is playing something very important, he is willing to leave everything behind and bring me the water. I love my boy. 😀

P.S. I didn’t post yesterday, cause I was lazy. 🙂

H&M Blouse

Lulu’s Lace Shorts

Jessica Simpson Heels

Chanel Sunglass

Carlos Falchi Bag

24 thoughts on “Lace Lazy

  1. *_* *_*!!! IN LOVE!!! This shirt is soooooooo perfect! This shade of blue is my fave and the fabric seems to be GOOORGEOUS!!! And I love how it looks with the lace shorts! Black lace is sexy, but still a bit innocent 😀 You remind me of Black Swan lol! 😀 Your hair is getting kinda red from the sun or is it just the light that makes it look like that?? It’s beautiful either way 😀
    This saying is so..true. I mean, there are times that I can’t even move my legs from boredom! It’s kinda annoying, but I’m sure that most people experience this. Well, kids are always willing to run and move and bring everything to you. I can’t explain it lol, they’re so weird 😛 I guess that their mind is not fully developed yet, so they just enjoy lafe without cares! 😛
    Give a BIG kiss to Red Bear, his denim shirt rocks <3 <3

  2. hahaha,,,I do agree with your saying about the kid’s mind though, they are not fully developed, I really wonder how long he will can do doing that, bring me a bottle of water without hesitate:)

    Have a good night, my dear Demy.

  3. AAAA I’m here again! I just came accross a tweet about EIU articles and I saw that you and Red Bear were featured!!! OMGOSH!!! It was such a lovely article 🙂 And I loved your answers 🙂 Especially the one about Jessica Alba! All the others said that they’re happy with their lives (I’m not judging, just saying) whereas you were more real and you said that yes, there is indeed one person that you’d like to resemble to! 🙂 I think that you’re awesome 🙂

  4. ennnn,@.@! I love the short lace,so so sexy!!!Of cause i do like the outfits,that’s a pleasure watching your beautiful and sexy legs:D…
    About this topic–lazy,I think RB ,your lovely boy is really a good boy,haha!He remember me to my hubby!jejeje….I think this is a very important point as a boy.I remember my grandma always say good child with light steps ,jejeje .


  5. 喜欢蓝色的上衣和短裙。很性感的。RB真是好听话好乖呢,是个爱劳动的小孩子。是Hallie培养出来的。最近,心情有点担忧。想着一些事情。。

  6. 亲爱的SUE, 有什么不开心的事情吗? 你可以写信来和我聊一聊呀…希望你早点开心起来…

  7. hehe,,,thanks Demy for reading that EIU article, I am glad you like my answer:) I think the others has awesome answer too..heheh…there are more articles coming soon on EIU, I hope you will like them:D

  8. 哈哈, 被发现了, 那天照相是出去吃了早餐后照的, 他脸上那是番茄酱:)

  9. 我比你懶多啦~~~~由上星期五到現在還是只有一篇post….照片也沒有怎樣拍….配搭也想不出來了!!! ><
    你幾乎都是每天拍照還要每次都拍得好看!! 是我心中最勤勞的時尚博主!!!

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