Leaving to St.Lucia

So exciting, we are leaving to St. Lucia tonight, packing is never be a problem for me(been travel a lot before married), but packing for Red Bear is a big challenge, we will see, how many diapers I need to bring in the trip? 🙂

Several things I always bring with me on the airplane, the passport, the Burt’s bees Lip Balm, Chanel lips, baby wipes, a facial toner, as I said in this post, I am so into this Bodykor’s cucumber toner right now, it will become my moisture spray on the airplane for sure. Oh, if you haven’t check out the Bodykor’s products, check them out here, Red Bear’s friend—-Owen’s mom said she want to give my readers 10% off for shop in Bodykor with a code “Hallie”, so sweet!

13 thoughts on “Leaving to St.Lucia

  1. 要去旅行了,RB肯定是超級開心的。每回出門,我最喜歡打包行李了。因為自己搭配的漂亮衣服能在漂亮的地方旅遊,也是令我開心的事喔~

  2. Safe travels, Hallie! I hope that you have a lovely time in St. Lucia and lots of fun; that’s great that it’s so easy for you to pack for yourself hehe (P.S. I love the design of your sunglasses~)

  3. 圣卢西亚~~~虽然我没猜对滚沙滩的地方,但是好歹离得也不是太远~~~~带的行李都好美啊~~有没有搭配可以先预告一下的?

  4. 圣卢西亚是哪儿啊?从没听说过,喜欢Chanel的口红!

  5. 親愛的我跟你用的是同一個lip balm 呢!! 上次去美國的時候補了些貨 🙂 玩得開心啊!! 希望RB不會尿濕你美美的衣服啦 😛

  6. Ha! New bikini, new sandals…St. Lucia! 😀 Nice! I hope it will be awesome! By the way this bag is so pretty! And I have to observe that mommas always carry sooo many stuff and the most of it has to do with their children 😛

  7. 亲爱的, 知道你的眼光一直不错的, 那天我们在德州停转机, 我还在想, 你住那地方, 美!!!!!

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