Lime, Orange and Watermelon

Lime, Orange and watermelon are all about this outfits, like a “fruit salad”, Bob said.

Tomorrow is Mother’s day, all the restaurant will be very busy whole day long base on last year’s experience, so we decided to make today is our Mother’s day, will have dinner with Red Bear’s grandpa tonight. What will we do tomorrow then? “Me and Red Bear will make you breakfast to bed” Bob said. Sounds good but I doubt it. We will see. 😀

Red Bear’s new denim shirt make him look like a little man, isn’t he?

Zara top/skirt/bag

Jeffrey Campbell lita booties

Sunglasses and bracelet from Target

24 thoughts on “Lime, Orange and Watermelon

  1. 裙子飘逸的感觉真是很赞呢 希望Hallie的Mother’s Day 惊喜连连~~

  2. 喜欢Hallie盘头发起来的样子,很美很高贵呢!RB真的长大了,时间过的真快。。。。。。。。

  3. 哇!全身牛仔的RB好帅啊!

  4. Hallie! This is super gorgeous! The skirt’s colour is amazing and it goes perfect with everything else. Also love the shoes. You can never go wrong with jeffery campbell!

  5. Happy Mother’s Day! 期待看看你们家大男人和小男人为你弄得早餐, 嘻嘻。

  6. Happy Momma’s Day! 😀 You are an amazing mother and I’m happy I met you 🙂 Hope tommorrow Mr. Bob and Red Bear will make you breakfast hahah 🙂
    Oh can I say sth random before commenting on this beautiful outfit? I JUST HAD MY FIRST DRIVING LESSON WITH MY DADDYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m super excited! It was aweeesome 😀 Phew! Adrenaline rush! 😀

    Aaaanyway, you look perfect! This is the first time that I tought of you as a geisha! I don’t know, you really reminded me of a geisha, especially in the third pic with your hair up! You’re so gorgeous! The skirt is adorable, pretty color! And I’m in love with your shoes! They are SO tall! WOW! Mr Bob is tall or you tower over him? lol! You are right about Red Bear’s shirt as well! He is trendy and he does look like a little man hahha! Cutie 😀

    Bye bye 🙂

  7. You’re the most charming mummy!!! Maxi skirt,my favorite! I love love love this outfits!Maximum love!

  8. haha,,Shasie, I am not tall at all, last night my hubby read your comment, and he was smiling and said to me: you have a good photographer and make you look tall in the photos:)

  9. You can never go wrong with JC!! hahah…I agree with that!…you are must JC lover!

  10. 他们给我弄早餐? 想起来我都会头疼,,,我猜肯定是外卖来的…呵呵…

  11. yeah, the day I looked at those pictures, and I thought of Geisha too, somehow…emmm…
    How will you do for your mom in the mother’s day,,,you are such a sweet daughter I guess..

  12. 不少人都说了+我自己也觉得,红色比较衬我...^^

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