Whenever I get bored with my own wardrobe, I go to Bob’s closet to hunt and get some inspiration. So I was happy to find this Ralph Lauren Shirt hanging in there — the color and the fabric is so nice and I just can’t help “stealing” it.
Talking about stealing, this morning, the whole family was outside in the front yard, playing with 2 new little airplane kites we just bought last night. We were having so much fun, watching Red Bear running around with the kite in his hand, until he was really tired from all his running. Then I tied those 2 airplane kites on one of our trees and went back to the house to get some water. After we came back to the yard in 5 mins, one kite was gone! There was no way that the kite could have blown away, ’cause there was nowind at all this morning [Red Bear could only “fly” his kites by runnin very fast, as soon as he slowed down, the kites came right down — he couldn’t wait for the regular afternoon breeze we get.] Red Bear start crying and kept saying he wants the red airplane back…and this beautiful day turned out so upsetting for everybody. Feeling really terrible that there is “bad guy” around when you think you are living in the safe place! And who steals a little boy’s little red kite?
Green Ralph Lauren Shirt from my Hubby
Lace Shorts
H&M Tank and Hat
Jessica Simpson Heels
Gucci Bag
Ray Ban Sunglasses
A Vintage Necklace From a friend
Hi There,
Thank you for visiting my blog. I love finding fashion blogger mommies.
Your style is amazing. I love the idea of going into husband’s closet.
Those black lace shorts are super cool.
So, do you really wear these outfits with your son? Do you change the shoes for the photo shoot like I do sometimes?
I can’t imagine running after a toddler in those platform Jessica simpsons.
I am going to follow you.
hahah,,,of course not, I always have another pair of shoes ready in the car, and those high heels are only for photos…
or when my hubby is around. 
That is really sad, I can only imagine how sad he was, the nerve of people.
You look really lovely by the way, I have those shoes, how do it with him?
yeah, that really ruined out day, will have to go get another one for my little boy tonight…so sad….
Love the green color of shirt, it reminds me of the green long skirt of one church day.
RB really like planes hehhe.
I want to have a look at your whole garden :).
love that green shirt so much! Gucci bag is so pretty
hehehe,,,maybe one day, will show you the whole garden:D
对的,现在的有的风气真的是很差的, 上次带RB去公园玩, 公园里两个小兄弟就合着伙想欺负RB, RB虽然小, 但也不怕, 那种不畏不俱的样子, 所以那两兄弟就找别的小朋友欺负去了.我老公看不过去, 和两兄弟的爸爸说了两句, 结果那两兄弟的爸爸居然说: 你应该教育你的孩子更居抵抗力和反击力. 当时真的气得没话说了. 所以现在RB的上学问题很让人头疼, 就是远就是贵, 也得送进私人贵族学校了….
P.S. 我老公穿XL的, 不瘦也不高:)
嗯嗯, 哪个当妈的看见这种情况都会生气的. 其实有时候我和老公就在讨厌这种事情, 其实小朋友年纪小, 都不太懂道理和理让的事情, 关键还是父母的教育问题, 我们把自己的孩子教育好了, 可是最后却被别人欺负, 没脾气了, 所以现在在美国这里, 什么功夫啊, 拳道馆啊, 特别受小朋友的欢迎, 我们都准备送RB去学了, 哪怕是自卫也好…
Good morning
You look amazing! I have to say that mr. Bob is as stylish as his wife
The shirt is PERFECT! What a color! I also love the double lace! You connected your dark side with your ‘innocent’ side with the black and white lace combo lol!
And of course there was no chance for you to run after Red Bear on those heels! Nightmare! Your feet would be broken by now

I hope that in the future there won’t be any bad happenings like this one or more serious ones :S
Seriously? Somebody stole the kite? Maybe it’s somewhere in the garden? I can’t believe that someone would ever steal a kid’s toy. Well, except for another kid! I’m sure Red Bear was heartbroken
Take care both of you! Kisses <3
矮油 这么介么美呢??真心好看!爱爱爱~~
oh dear! horrible thief! on a happier note, that green shirt is a great “steal”!
Hey! That’s another “my favorite shirt!” I’ve been looking EVERYWHERE for it!
But it looks better on you than it ever did on me.
heheh,,,I dont think so, you only wear polo short sleeve Tee now, “No change”, and I know you hate “change”
呵呵, 谢谢亲爱的TINA,还得谢谢我亲爱的老公^^
hahaha, Mr Bob must be very happy to read your this comment:)
Seriously, we been thinking who would steal the kid’s toy, but has no idea at all. maybe the animals? hehehehe….
but Red Bear got 2 more last night, so he is happy now:D
Have a good weekend my dear Demy:D
遇到这种可恶的小朋友也真是头疼,既教训不得(毕竟不是自己的孩子), 不教训又不解恨....躲呗,,,呵呵..不过一般我都会自己好言好意的和这种可恶小朋友说,和他们讲道理, 一般他们都会"识相"点的. ^^
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous outfit!
wow amazing outfit! your husband is the stylish one like you
it just like me, if I get bored with my closet, I’ll steal my mom closet! haha 
the bag is so pretty!
I hate seeing kids cry…
I love the shorts, so cute! and great hat, very summery look
and I feel so sorry for red bear, I hate that people steal kites from red bear!
I hope red bear will be better now
i love your shoes!
I wish my mom still alive so that I can steal her closet too, my mom was a very good home-made designer:) she used to make a lot of cloths and sweaters for me and my sister…I miss her…
亲爱的, 快点和我说说YY上学校的后放诉报道!:)
HALLIE, 在围脖里看到你的这个图片被“全球街拍”用了,它是在8月27日15:30的时候上传的。不确定他们是否提前通知你了。
谢谢COCO的好意提醒!我最近刚刚上LOOKBOOK.NU这个网站, 我看了下这个所谓的"全球街拍"用的全是那里的搭配达人的图.还有那么多的粉丝,呵呵...
看看的总结真到位!呵呵!咱们这样的妈妈多些,咱们以后的孩子所在的社会就和谐多了, 真好!
我还没正面遇上这种小恶霸, 因为每次出去都戴墨镜出去,RB玩的时候就在旁边看着, 让别的小朋友知道有个"可怕"的眼睛在盯 着, 哈哈
Still catching up on my blog reading! I’m sorry about RB’s kite. That’s a terrible thing. I love the photo of you giving Red Bear a smooch. So sweet. You’ve inspired me to look through my Hub’s stuff to see if there’s something I could wear and look as good as you… the shirt is a great POP of color and delightfully offsets the girly lace.
Van // The Clothes We Wear // Wearing motherhood with style.