Hi, my dear readers, fans and friends! First of all, I want to thank you for a wonderful year that you supported me throughout. I am so grateful for every email, comment, “like” and “follow” you gave me in 2012. I have told you many times, and I want to tell you again and again, all of this really means a lot to me!
I have some exciting news I want to share with you at the end of the year: Fashiolista selected me and 29 other “world´s most up and coming fashion bloggers” to be a part of the NYFW contest in collaboration with MissKL.
Even though I know the winning chance for me is pretty little, I will deep appreciate every one of your votes for me, and will always cherish your “heart”. Plus, you will get a chance to join the trip with the most-voted blogger to the New York Fashion Week in February 2013 (including: 1 return ticket to NYFW (11-14th Feb ’13), 3 nights stay at a hotel, 2 fashion shows and an outfit styled by Miss KL)
Come and vote here!
I would love to go to NYFW with you!! Good luck! I voted!
Happy New Year!!!
VOTED! Such an exciting opportunity for you, Hallie! Best wishes for winning…and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
lovely! happy new year!
very best of luck – what a dream come true that would be!
親愛的,永遠支持妳!投了神聖的第21票!♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥
虽然我去参加时装周是不可能的, 但是投票还是义不容辞的, 投了, 亲爱的加油哦:)
Wish you all the best… Voted for u of course!!
对不起 弄了半天没有成功 换了几个信箱也不成