Lovely Roses

I wasn’t sure if this satin clutch really fits this outfit, until I got these white roses attached on the bag,  Of course, it’s Red Bear who brought the roses to me:)  Aren’t they lovely?

About today’s outfits, the lace tank and orange skirt all bought from Zara’s sale. I’ve been telling myself not to buy things only because they are on sale, but I just can’t reject the temptation.
Bob keeps telling me,  “There is no law that says you have to buy anything just because you have money in your purse.” I guess I should believe and remember that!  But can I? 😀







Zara Lace Tank / Skirt/ Belt

Steve Madden Leopard Wedges

D&G Watch

YSL Ring

Satin Clutch (no name, old)

42 thoughts on “Lovely Roses

  1. 漂亮的Hallie,而且有点少性感呢。那花是真的?很纯洁的白色,RB真是很乖哦。每次都给妈妈送花。太幸福啦。好象女人嘛,总是喜欢购物的,不管有多少钱在手。我是这样认为的,但也要控制好咯,但支持Hallie继续买,因为我又可以大饱眼福嘛。嘻。

  2. 又是充滿性感誘惑的一身,好美阿!!!!!

  3. 今天的Hallie真的很吸引。很动感的照片,而且捕捉的镜头也很美。回头微笑那张太美咯,身材也好,每张都很好看。要再来赞美一下,好喜欢RB哦。胖胖的,好想咬一口,呵。今天他应该也摘了好几朵花吧。

  4. 沒錯,hallie真的是太美了!賞心悅目~




  5. 今天真是太性感了!超喜欢你玩性感!

  6. I like your Zara red skirt, very cute. But the skirt on you is very sexy, Your ring is also very unique, I look forward your new design.

  7. WOW!!! You look awesome! You always come up with the best combos! I LOVE the skirt and this crochet top is adorbs! And it’s perfect for summer, too, you know, it lets the air in hahah 😀 And the clutch is so cute, it looks beautiful with the rest of the outfit any ways, but with the roses it looks even more gorgeous! Thanks to Red Bear for keeping his momma chic <3 😀 I ADORE this close up picture with his hand holding the rose lol! Cutiepie <3 Oh and did I say I'm dying for these shoes? They're super fantastic! I always hated leopard, like REALLY hated it, but lately I find myself admiring leopard print shoes and clutches. I don't know if I'd ever go outside with a leopard print skirt or top though. Guess it has to stay in the little details!
    And OHHHH I'm pretty sure that if there were clothes stores nearby, I would spent all my money there! I mean, how can anyone resist sales? It's too easy for men to say that we shouldn't spend that much money on clothes lol! 😛
    Bye bye 😉

  8. Oh Hallie… What a great mix! You absolutely got me with those shoes! Amazing lace top and that little black top under it looks really hot! All in all… AMAZING!!!

  9. god! I can’t breathe.

  10. 这可能和睡眠和心情有关吧, 最近睡眠比以前好多了, 而且经常游泳和散步, 心情也比较好:D

  11. 呵呵,其实出门前我也有问他, 说是不是太那个了, 要不要加件外套什么的, 他看了看说: 还行, 关系不大….:)

  12. Really? you hated leopard? hehehe….serious, I hated them too, maybe year ago, I never like leopard, but once I tried on, I can’t stop loving them…lol…

  13. Actually, the skirt color is pretty close to orange:) I am sure will wear them to the Fall to Winter too:)

  14. 哈哈, 被看看这么一说, 昨天又小玩了下性感….
    你老公也太好了吧, 说你下手不够狠…他有你这老婆算赚到喽,,,呵呵

  15. Haven’t been to Salon for year, I like to do my hair myself, maybe that day I made a special Spa at home:)

  16. 我只看到了过膝袜袜, 没看到那衬衫啊,,,在哪 呢? 呵呵…不如把相片发邮件我看看啊…

  17. 谢谢SUE的赞美:) 当天RB是採了很多花, 当时院子的主人还出来了, 把我吓了一跳, 怕被人家说, 哈哈, 不过她家的院子可大了, 一院子都是白玫瑰….损失几朵 应该也没关系啦…

  18. SUE这样的老婆真是好哦, 又会持家, 又知道照顾人, 还要组织活动什么的….绝对的贤妻良母型!!! 😀

  19. 惭愧哦,其实我什么都做不好的。就是所谓性格好点。容易相处罢了。最近也有心情不好,还跟LG唠叨了,不过说了发泄了也没事。想想也过去了。嘻。是个小女人没什么大作为。我都在向Hallie慢慢学习,但只能参考,毕竟每个人是不同,仿效不到。互相欣赏就好。

  20. 那是, 每个人有每个人不同的生活, 没有必要互相仿效, 不过大家都要开心哦:)
    心情不好是每个人都会有的啦, 我前些天脾气也是特别坏, 老公和宝宝受气, 呵呵…

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