Marching Before the Sunset

If you have read my blog for a long time, and you know how much I love hats. Got this hat from J.Crew while they were on sale, together with the cardigan.  I didn’t think they could be paired together so compatibly, but the result turned out really satisfying to me.

Red Bear got this popgun from Knott’s Berry Farm amusement park a few days ago, and he is so into marching games recently — we love our little “soldier”!  🙂

I was wearing: Zara blazer(old, similar style here), J.Crew Cardigan, Levi’s Boyfriend jeans(old, similar style here), Fluxus Tee, Miu Miu Pumps(old, similar style here), J.Crew Hat, Michael Kors Clutch(like this one also)

27 thoughts on “Marching Before the Sunset

  1. It’s quite nice to see your hair tied up every once in awhile and of course, the colour of the hat is really rich; I think also because I like how the colour looks a bit different in each photograph. ^^

  2. 帥氣又優雅的打扮。帽子的顏色、樣式有點小復古,很雅致喔!


  3. Hi!! I love so so much this outfit. One of my faves, actually! Everything’s just perfect!!! Hmm…these pics kind of remind me Michael Jackson! The cardigan looks amazing with the loose top and don’t get me started on the shoes! THEY’RE GOOORGEOUS! Your hair looks so good like this as well, you should wear it this way more often 🙂
    Haahaha, Red Bear with the popgun cracked me up hahhah, he looks so dedicated 😀 😀

  4. Simply cannot think of a more charming femasculine approach to elegance!! Love the individual elements comprising the entire look and ofcourse the ensemble in its entirety! The burgundy details give you a very up to date flair together with the slouchy proportions of the pants and tshirt!! Perfection!! 🙂

    ps Got to love Red Bear he’s so funny and adorable! <3

  5. This whole outfit is perfect! i found your blog when i was looking up the burberry prorsum wedges and found that you had them (just got them on sale and wanted to see some mod pics) .. great style, i’ll definitely be coming back to see more!

  6. WOW love this combination!!!!! with the nude and black and burgundy and grey! WOW! this outfit is like mission impossible with all these coulours but you made it!!! and made it AMAZINGLY! and I’m afraid you’re contagious I am now, too, a burgundy-holic. I am looking everywhere for burgundy items!!!! and RB is just the cutest little soldier 😀

  7. Congrats for being a burgundy-holic, lol…my husband bought couple burgundy shirt too….:)
    now I need to get few burgundy items to REd bear…:D

  8. 那是啊,,,呵呵…我们这如果天气再冷点,我就要开始西装套西装穿了…嘻嘻.

  9. 长礼服,,,哇, 好有挑战! 期待你的搭配哦, 不出门的话就在家里试穿拍照啊…:D

  10. Hallie, I really adore this menswear style on you. I mean you look awesome in skirts but you can really carry off the garconne look really well! I think you should make it a resolution for 2012 to wear more menswear styles. HAHAHA


  11. The light on pictures is so gorgeous!You really caught the moment!Love this look Hallie!Blazer,jeans,killer shoes,and hat…stylish my friend!Hi to your little soldier!;)

  12. 帽子是红色的吧?怎么有张看起来是紫色的样子。我也是喜欢帽子,但就是毛线帽的多。可能也因为头发乱,难整理,戴了帽子会好看又省心,上几天还跟同事一起网购了可爱有毛毛球的毛线帽。又可以装嫩一下了。

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