Maxi Skirt

Most of my readers said like to see me wear maxi skirt. I guess I look taller and more feminine with maxi skirt?

Well, during the Fashion Week, long skirts/maxi skirts were adorned and constantly repeated on the runway in various collections. Apparently  the maxi skirt is conservative, comfortable and simple but still super hot and trendy!  So, Do I need more reason to wear more  long/maxi skirt this year?

If you ever search online about how to wear maxi skirt, most of them would say it better tuck it in: to help identify your waist line. Although I agree with that, but sometime I want to break the rule a little bit, like today, I wear this long skirt with a cropped sweater, I like this loose and relax feeling, adding a floppy hat to balance the heavy bottom.

  River Island sweater

Free People Skirt

Aldo Clutch

Hat attact Hat

Terra Plana Heels

38 thoughts on “Maxi Skirt

  1. 我是一只幽谷里的夜蝶,


  2. 不错,很优雅。应该是灰色的搭配吧。跟背后的树融为一体了。长裙好漂亮。这搭配真的很喜欢。

  3. 今年我也好喜欢长裙哦,目前出入手了两三件来的,就等着天气转热了,说一下哦,你今天好漂亮哦,哦错了是天天都很漂亮!

  4. taylor今天诗性大发啊!这首诗好美,用来形容hallie再合适不过!

  5. 灰色也是我的大爱。最近买了件灰色的小西装,当天就穿了。第一张照片会把你LG迷翻了。继续把东方女人的韵味发挥出来

  6. 裙子很漂亮!!有一張差點以為看見仙女!!!!!是光線包在裙子上好像在發亮~~相片真的拍得好好啊…so envy!!(說回我的那個拍照時也是很多時候都在抱怨的…><想多拍繼張都不行呀…)

  7. Yay yay!! O One more maxi skirt! You certainly know how to rock them! I love so much this one. It has such a romantic vibe! The color, the pleats, everything makes for this gorgeous skirt!! I love your sweater too, I’ve been looking for one like that for ages! I think it looks better untucked, at least on you! Great shoes and bag! Flawless outfit for once more!!! You’re gonna get a famous famous fashion blogger!!!

  8. hehe….thank you Demy,,,I dont want to be a famous fashion blogger, I want to be a happy fashion blogger…and make happy friends like you!!!! all these make my day!!!!

  9. 亲爱的,有些时候如果咱们的另一半不太乐意选景干活的时候,我们自己就得睁大眼选好景,站好位置,选好光线,到时候就让另一半在那里拍就行了.然后指挥他拍这里拍那里...呵呵,我就是这么干的...

  10. 其实这长裙真的蛮好配的,也很好搭,还有这件毛衣,都属于百配款:)

  11. 嗯嗯!!如果看看那里有ZARA的话,我觉得ZARA的那些长裙都不错.穿长裙还有一点好就是不用穿丝袜,我其实特别不喜欢穿丝袜..

  12. 没有啦,去找别的款吧..当时我买的时候已经是最后一个,还折上折....再说了,现在的新款越来越好看了不是吗?

  13. 你今天真的是诗性大发,不过我喜欢!!谢谢!!么么!!!

  14. 哪里敢欺负?我就是觉得徐志摩的诗是最古典的摩登,最前卫的含蓄~~~非常MATCH形容你这样的女人~~~~~

  15. 就是啊,其实穿丝袜挺麻烦的,所以有些人问我穿连衣裤上厕所麻不麻烦的时候,我就想回答说:没有穿丝袜麻烦,哈哈

  16. 可是这样的女人已经N年不念诗不读书了,惭愧惭愧...

  17. 其实这毛衣和这蛋糕长裙非常好配, MM有空找找我以前的文章, 有几套都是另外拿这毛衣和裙子配的.

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