Mesh & Tulle Skirt

Don’t know why, everytime I see some kind of mesh and tulle skirt, I can’t help wanting to put it on.  Maybe it’s from very young age, when I was a little girl, I really envied other girls who wore those mesh and tulle skirts just like a princess, because most of my clothes were made by cotton and hand-made by my mom.

Have your guys been watching all kind of stuff from the NY Fashion Week then London FW now? I have been so busy with our son these days! Red Bear becomes so emotional and needs so much attention all day/all night long lately, I am still trying to collect some of my favorite looks from the fashion weeks.  Hopefully I can share with you soon. What’s your favorite parts from the fashion weeks so far?

After dinner with Red Bear’s Grandpa at last Sunday night, we got some balloon from next table’s birthday party. Oh, yeah?! they are free 🙂

Forever21 skirt and bracelet

Old Navy Blouse

Vintage sleeveless rainbow print Shirt

American Eagle Belt

ASOS Clutch

Zara Scarf

Karen Walker Sunglasses

Jefferey Campbell Wedges

32 thoughts on “Mesh & Tulle Skirt

  1. I really love your design, especially the shoes is so beautiful. You are a fahionable designer. When I was a littl girl, I also want to wear a tulle skirt. This dream is never come true. Because I don’t like the sweet satyle. But you make the tulle very chic. I lool forward to youe new design.

  2. 怎麼可以把那麼多的元素混搭得這麼厲害~


  3. Hey,you look so pretty with your new hair-do,i love the feel it gives you ! and of cause i adore this outfits,i have never try mesh and tulle skirt,the combination of the navy blouse base on the rainbow print shirt,gives the outfit a casual sense.Great!!!:P
    Greeting n kisses!

  4. oh, really? you have never try mesh and tulle skirt? so now I am the lucky one? hahaha…
    many kisses!!! <3

  5. 我是不太出门扎马尾, 因为在家里不出门的时候都是马尾造型. 不过这天的造型还行, 呵呵…显得比较年轻…

  6. 哇 , 你最近也是狠狠的在买呀! 你不把相片放上网那些新衣服都没人看得到啊…鼓励你也上LOOKBOOK上传相片呀, 呵呵…

  7. I love this look! Great skirt! I love the utility shirt with the striped peeking through as well!
    Did Red Bear have fun with the balloons?! Looks like it:)!


  8. Thank you Delaney!
    Of course Red Bear like those balloons, he said they are air plane:) and like to fly with them…

  9. Ohhh the skirt is gorgeous!!I’m a big fan of tulle skirts and love how we can wear it on million ways;-)
    Love the picture of Read Bear with balloons!

  10. 你现在是被很多女孩羡慕的大公主!!!

    P.S 我的IPHONE里现在每天都在放小野丽莎的MY BOY,我觉得对我们来说是很贴切的一首歌。为什么呢?去听听就明白啦。。。每每听都会感动的微笑。。。

  11. 很青春!军绿+纱裙,碰撞出独特的美感!

  12. 我把這2天買的衣、褲po上相冊囉!去看看吧~

  13. 太太太喜欢这身搭配了!!我现在已经无可救药的成了你的铁杆粉丝,每天不上网看看你的搭配就觉得哪里不对劲!呵呵!

  14. 呵呵, 二宝妈妈是第一次来留言吧! 谢谢谢谢!!!! 以后欢迎经常来说说话^^

  15. 哇, 你老公要参加时装周!!!! 听起来就让人兴奋, 你会不会要求也一起去看呢? 呵呵…绝对要为”中国的时装周” 顶!!!!

  16. 好的, 哪天要找这首歌听听,,,,感受一下会感动的微笑, 我好象猜也能猜得出是唱的什么 😀

  17. I’m loving the tulle skirt, it’s so princess-esque! But the best is the way you styled it! It’s stunning, in fact! I would have never ever thought of pairing such a feminine piece with a utility shirt! ADORBS! Oh and the striped top is so cute, I love the way it looks with the scarf 🙂 And can I be really really honest? I’m not a huuuge fan of these Jeffrey Campbells though… They look good on you, but I don’t think I could pull them off. hmm…
    As for the NYFW and LFW, I have to admit that I haven’t seen any runway from London at all. But I have of course watched carefully New York Fashion Week! Omgosh, how much did I wish I was there! I had many many faves, but my absolute favorite collections have to be Michael Kors and Oscar de la Renta! Especially the Michael Kors one! The orange hues, the animal prints and the goooorgeous trenches stole my heart! 😀 I’ll try to catch up with London Fashion Week this weekend, but unfortunately high school isn’t leaving a lot of free time.. Anyways.
    Red Bear is demanding more attention? hehe! Somebody’s growing uuuup! 😀 He is a total cutie <3 And come on, all the little children want to be taken cared of every single minute! Maybe he needs a little sister…??? 😛

  18. 哈,又是军绿色的,Hallie真是军装迷吗?昨晚看了一个节目,是讲今年的皮草流行趋势的,其中的一个女设计师就非常喜欢军装,所以把这元素也大胆的用到了皮草上,很特别,也很好看,军装可以调皮可爱,可以干练,也不失温柔的。是设计师的理念。同意吗?

  19. 可能吧, 我觉得我穿军绿色还蛮好看的….
    SUE看的那档节目一听就是很好看的, 以前我在国内的时候就喜欢看李静主持的女性节目,,,现在要想看只能上网喽..

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