Military is undeniably the most massive of the last fall/winter trends. I am so in love with the range of masculine cuts mixed with fitted feminine styles, which feel just right as the temps begin to cool. I collect all the military issues in my closet: army green jackets, cargo pants, army green booties…can’t believe this trend is so easy to incorporate into any of my other items inside the closet.
Today my favorite: Army blouse paired with feminine crochet for just a little nod to the trend.
Please, don’t forget to check out $100 Romwe Shopping Freebies —-Giveaway! in my last post.
Crochet Shorts and leopard print clutch
Chloe sandal
D&G Watch
ASOS Hand Harness
Thrifted necklace
YSL Ring
Aviator Sunglasses from Target
Hi hi!!! You look aweeeesome!! This outfit is really gorgeous! Army green has to be the best color ever, it can be combined with sooo many colors! But the way you styled it is PHENOMENAL!!! The contrast with the feminine lace shorts is adooorable! And I’m drooling over the necklace and this beautiful purse (it’s hairy! WOW!) Love everything, you’re beautiful beautiful!

Btw, I wanted to say sorry, because in the last post I left two comments. I thought that the first one was not left so I left another one. And it wouldn’t be fair for me to have two entries, so if you want delete one of them, ok?
HAHHAHA!! Red Bear is soooo funny <3 His colorful top is beautiful!
P.S. I might be a little late on commenting, because my laptop broke down and I have to comment from the internet cafe
good~ > <
亲爱的, 怎么不参加抽奖活动呀? ^^
ok, don’t worry about that comment, I know some people got several email accounts to do that in other website, now I know you are such a honest sweet lovely girl:) makes me love you more.
Sorry for your laptop, hope she will recover soon:) it’s she, right? heheeh…
知道啦, 我帮你找找哈 ><
I really really love how you styled this look! The army green shirt goes amazing with the crichet shorts! Have a great weekend Hallie!
從以前就一直關注Hallie Daily,直到今年的05/30 Sunny sunday的那篇文章第1次留言,和hallie有了第1次交集。雖然才短短的時間,但發現hallie妳是個又親切又關心讀者的好博主,讓我更加深深的喜歡妳。
往後的日子裡,我也會繼續支持著Hallie Daily,也永遠的愛著妳,啾~
I love military inspired looks, too! The stylings on this outfit are spot on. I like every piece (esp. the ridiculously cute Chloe sandals). You are very bold to wear crochet shorts… I couldn’t. It’s so feminine, yet edgy with your accessories. And LOVE the photos of Red Bear. He is pure sunshine.
Van // The Clothes We Wear
Wearing motherhood with style.
Oh look at that perfect shorts!Love how you styled it with military shirt!The boy looks so happy and adorable!
这都是前几年流行的款了, 我现在只看水台高跟,,,哈哈…
晕, 你还跟教官书信来往? 早恋还是暗恋? 哈哈….我们以前也军训过, 我打靶拿了个全班第一, 倒数! 哈哈…..也不容易啊….
wear nude biker shorts inside the crochet shorts:) why couldn’t you?
谢谢亲爱的, 你的小嘴嘴好甜哦….(我们两就继续在这里互相肉麻吧,,,哈哈 …..)
看了最近的相片, 亲爱的越来越漂亮喽, 搭配也越来越耐看^^
什么黑色小内内啊? 晕….