Happy Monday, Darlings!
Need something to chase the Monday blues away? Me, too? Last weekend was a pretty busy for our family, while Red Bear hiked 3 miles carrying a 20+lbs backpack to finish one of hie Boy Scouts missions, I was having so much fun at the LA Grove, having high tea in a Downton Abbey style. (See my blog post soon.) How was your weekend?
About today’s outfit, this peplum jacket gives me all the modern romance vibe; those strong shoulders, and the menswear-inspired double-breasted design looks so fun yet classic. I paired it with a very trendy and dramatic tutu skirt, for a modern romantic look.

Shop My Outfit & Similar Items Below:
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See My Other Current Modern Romance Obsessions:
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Beautiful photos <3
xx Liz from
Love ♥️your Monday bleus, seems like a great idea. Enjoying a cup of tea is peacefully ideal on a manic Monday!