My Favorite Field and My Natural Hair

Have you ever been curious about how my hair naturally looks? Here you can see, it’s naturally wavy! This day I let my hair air dry and didn’t comb it, it’s kind of a messy wavy look. I like it for the most part, but sometimes I can’t do anything with the part on the top of my head. OK, that’s why I have so many hats, to cover my flat top head.

Back to my favorite field to take pictures again, can’t help but I just love it.  This place indeed is a very junky-looking place, but for photos right at sunset, it’s perfect!

Gap Denim Jacket

Zara Crochet Dress

DV by Dolce Vita Jamison Booties

Topshop Bag

AJ Morgan Sunglasses


H&M Necklace

18 thoughts on “My Favorite Field and My Natural Hair

  1. 又是清新的一組照片。牛仔外套配上針織小洋裝,就是個少女啊~


  2. Love your natural hair ! You should wear it this way more often. And you know I have a thing for everything crochet, even if I don’t own any crochet piece…maybe that’s why I love it so much. I’m looking for the perfect crochet dress for ages but stil no luck 🙁 I can’t believe yours is zara and I never saw it here, because I would have bought it

  3. I want your boots! I love the sunlit grass and how your hair glows. Your natural wavy hair is very pretty! I sometimes wish mine wasn’t stick straight, thick an coarse.
    Van // The Clothes We Wear // Wearing motherhood with style.

  4. 我就是这发质啦!!一洗头风干后全都松起来,一大把的,毛茸茸的,朋友都说“疯婆”一样。我一直觉得太难打理了,发型是我的一大弱项啊,都跟Hallie说了,怎么搞都不好看,只能每天凑合着,要不放下来,要不扎马尾或者盘一下,就是不美。烦人的头发。

  5. 野炊? 又是累人的事情啵:)), 不过开心就好.
    SUE的发质我可能了解, 你要在头发洗后未干时就抹上些东东, 这样头发干后就不会呈现”疯婆” 状态了:))

  6. 我和sue的发质很相似啊,毛躁的“沙”发,最近换了施华蔻的水凝胶原修护系列感觉挺好,柔顺多了,JM们可以试试。

  7. 亲爱的, 我的这条也不是小号, 是中号, 我当时也犹豫了一下, 不过穿上身试试, 觉得松松的反而更好, 这样小肚子就不容易看出来了.呵呵.

  8. Ah, nature always knows what it does 🙂 Your natural hair is awesome and I think that you should wear it like that more often. It’s better for it after all, because the daily straightening ruins it. I don’t even airdry it lol! As you said the location is perfect for photos, the light is so pretty 🙂 And of course the outfit is great, like every single outfit you put together 🙂 I really really REALLY love styling feminine dresses combined with ‘hard’ pieces like you did. You look amazing 🙂 Btw, I’m not sure I ever told you but you have the prettiest smile! It’s like Red Bear’s smile <3

  9. 选了几张没看到平头的相片, 呵呵…出门前还特别要用吹风机把头顶吹蓬来着!!!!

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