Have you ever been curious about how my hair naturally looks? Here you can see, it’s naturally wavy! This day I let my hair air dry and didn’t comb it, it’s kind of a messy wavy look. I like it for the most part, but sometimes I can’t do anything with the part on the top of my head. OK, that’s why I have so many hats, to cover my flat top head.
Back to my favorite field to take pictures again, can’t help but I just love it. This place indeed is a very junky-looking place, but for photos right at sunset, it’s perfect!
Zara Crochet Dress
DV by Dolce Vita Jamison Booties
Topshop Bag
AJ Morgan Sunglasses
H&M Necklace
your natural hair looks nice!!!
Love your natural hair ! You should wear it this way more often. And you know I have a thing for everything crochet, even if I don’t own any crochet piece…maybe that’s why I love it so much. I’m looking for the perfect crochet dress for ages but stil no luck
I can’t believe yours is zara and I never saw it here, because I would have bought it
I want your boots! I love the sunlit grass and how your hair glows. Your natural wavy hair is very pretty! I sometimes wish mine wasn’t stick straight, thick an coarse.
Van // The Clothes We Wear // Wearing motherhood with style.
他没说, 是我嫌那土太多, RB经常玩得周身脏.
I bought that dress when they were on sale too:))
呵呵, 其实近看还是一团糟的,,,不能细看的那种^^
野炊? 又是累人的事情啵:)), 不过开心就好.
SUE的发质我可能了解, 你要在头发洗后未干时就抹上些东东, 这样头发干后就不会呈现”疯婆” 状态了:))
亲爱的, 我的这条也不是小号, 是中号, 我当时也犹豫了一下, 不过穿上身试试, 觉得松松的反而更好, 这样小肚子就不容易看出来了.呵呵.
嗯,我当时买的时候其他颜色也很多, 白色的也只是那一件,
Oh wow cool! I never would have suspected that it was wavy! I like it natural!
Shasie of Live Life in Style
Ah, nature always knows what it does
Your natural hair is awesome and I think that you should wear it like that more often. It’s better for it after all, because the daily straightening ruins it. I don’t even airdry it lol! As you said the location is perfect for photos, the light is so pretty
And of course the outfit is great, like every single outfit you put together
I really really REALLY love styling feminine dresses combined with ‘hard’ pieces like you did. You look amazing
Btw, I’m not sure I ever told you but you have the prettiest smile! It’s like Red Bear’s smile <3
hallie说头顶平?没觉得啊 披着头发很好看呢~~~
选了几张没看到平头的相片, 呵呵…出门前还特别要用吹风机把头顶吹蓬来着!!!!