{What I Wore: Long Dress // Straw hat // Box Bag // Zara Blazer (old, similar here & here) //
Pink Sunglasses(old, similar here)// Heels (old, similar here) // Floral Earrings (old, similar here) }
After 5 weeks carrying a cold in wet and cold winter weather, I finally feel better now that the weather is starting to warm up in L.A.. Transition (from winter to spring) weather is finally here, and I am so happy finally to show you one of my favorite transition styles: pastel blazer & long dress.
I really think a pastel colored linen blazer is a must-have item in your Spring wardrobe. I have had this Zara blue linen blazer for years, and it is still one of my favorite items during every Spring. Shop my other favorite linen blazers from the new season.
Also, a long dress with long sleeves is another must-have item during the transition weather. I intend to buy some lovely pastel color/floral prints, because they are so Spring-y!
See my other favorite Spring long dresses picks:
{What I Wore: Long Dress // Straw hat // Box Bag // Zara Blazer (old, similar here & here) //
Pink Sunglasses(old, similar here)// Heels (old, similar here) // Floral Earrings (old, similar here) }
Always a wonderful look for transitioning into Spring.
I’ve wanted to get a long dress for the longest time and I might just do it this spring, the ones you listed are so cute. And I love the blazer, I’m definitely getting one soon.
That dress is so pretty!! And with such a fun back! So excited to wear spring dresses
Creative and unique pastel blazer and amazing combo with long dress. i like your taste and i think women looks so pretty in blazers / coats / plaid with high heels and anything else and men in distressed leather jacket . Hope you win keep it up,