The First Pair of Shoes You Gave To Me

This was the first pair of shoes Bob bought for me, it’s high heels, it’s sexy, it’s shining! It’s painful to wear too! hahah,,,your guys should see me carried them on my hand and walked to the car after the photo shoot. Anyway, I will still wear it, since it’s the first pair of shoes you gave to me. and its full of love. 🙂

Flower of the day Red Bear gave to me…Thanks God, there is flower around , or I will have to show you rock or stick.

Another color blocking outfits, I hope you like it.

H&M blazer

H&M Shorts

Vintage blue Blouse

Vintage golden pumps

H&M bracelet

Chanel Sunglasses

22 thoughts on “The First Pair of Shoes You Gave To Me

  1. 小花很美,Hallie更美,穿得很有范儿。沉浸在爱里的女人是最美的。今天没看到RB出镜哦。MISS HIM。羡慕你那到处有花的地方。应该很唯美很梦幻的。

  2. RB is a good boy, 每天都送花给妈妈。偷偷问一句,Hallie脱了鞋后在车上穿什么?哈哈

  3. 光脚呀, 哈哈, 不过一般我车上都配有双平底鞋和墨镜和一瓶水就是了…^^

  4. 很美的一双鞋!主要是没有高防水台,尖头鞋穿起来的确很性感!

  5. I’ll never never get bored of your outfits! You always look beautiful, but still different than the last time! For example, that’s your third color blocking in a row, and!!! How awesome is that?? I love everything. Again! My inspirational folder is full of your pics and I’m sure many people do the same too 🙂 And your husband is very cute!!! The shoes are gorgeous and sexy! He knew what he was doing lol! 😀 Such a pity they are not comfortable.. Oh well, IT’S FASHION! 😀 😀 You are stunning stunning and pretty pretty! 😀 And Red Bear is the cutest little boy ever! 🙂 This flower is very beautiful, he’s such a gentleman! Can you please adopt me??? 😛 😛 hahahahhaha! 😀

  6. 哈哈, 可能吧, 穿惯了水台, 突然换这种又高又细跟的, 简直痛苦死, 哈哈….

  7. Oh, yeah, this is my third color blocking, I am glad you like it:) yesterday I went to a shoe repair store and try to fix the shoes and make them more comfortable, we will see the result:) the lady in the store asked me where am I going wear those fancy shoes….lolll
    And before I steal you from your mom, I think I better ask her if she would let me, you are such a kind and fun and sweet girl to everyone, I don’t think your mom would let anybody steal you from her! ;D

  8. heheh….don’t let my husband hear that, he would be proud thats come from his shoes^^

  9. 我还记得这双鞋呢!!!当时第一次在YOKA注意到你, 记得你是穿的BCBG的裙子参加一个婚礼配的这双鞋, 呵呵。 没想到这鞋背后还有着甜蜜的故事, 呵呵。

  10. 今天的你看起来是在过着夏天哦!我们这里今天也是艳阳高照,好不容易的一次大晴天。

  11. 这色撞的,美极了!

  12. 我也会很想你的, 祝旅途顺利! 事事顺意!
    JIE在努力工作的同时, 也要照顾好自己呢! 我等着你回来再”共商大事”, 呵呵, 希望啊!

  13. 今天我们这里已经是夏天了! 电视里的新闻说今天的天气已经象是进入了七月份, 晕,,,,,

  14. 哈哈, 娃娃的记忆真好啊, 这双鞋确实是就那次穿过呢, 当时满教堂的穿这鞋追RB, 痛苦S, 现在简直堪回想, 呵呵….

  15. 今天没有出门,不过给自己的卧室换上了春的眼神。现在满眼都是花朵和绿叶。真亮丽!

  16. 呵呵, 听你这么一说, 我脑子里就能想像得出是什么样子了….美美的…

  17. 会的!我做的所有努力都朝着自己的梦想一步步靠近,虽然比别人步伐晚很多,慢许多,但就像我自己的孩子一样,一点点慢慢的养育,一定有能让我看到彩虹的那天,一定带着你和我所有的朋友一起共赏!

  18. 嗯嗯,,,我们家也是, 一切都在向好的方向发展, 希望大家的努力都会让梦想成真吧! 握手! 加油!

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