Need A New Pants? |要买条新裤子吗?

Every time I wear distressed pants like that, my husband always ask me : your pants has holes, do you need a new pants? hahah…..
Anyway, I have learn to listen that kind of words in one ear, and out in another ear.

It’s only 2 days away from the New Year, I just finished packing stuff to the trip to Palm Spring, I have a super big luggage now, but still think it’s not enough, who know what’s the weather will be, and what kind of thing we will do? But I know there are a lot of sweet things happen there….

Again, Happy New Year!


River Island Sweater

Levi’s Boyfriend Jeans

H&M Bag

Bamboo Booties

Target Hat/Sunglasses

Lucky Brand ring(blue), Free people ring(silver)

20 thoughts on “Need A New Pants? |要买条新裤子吗?

  1. 顺便想麻烦下Hallie,那件我微博里提到的滩羊毛的外套怎么搭配可以给我些建议吗?嘻嘻

  2. 挺有流浪者风范的, 呵呵。。。祝HALLIE新年假期玩得开心!只是。。。我们岂不是好几天看不到HALLIE了?

  3. HALLIE 今天就出发了吧!祝你新年快乐!
    say hello to BOb! have a good time!


  4. 哈哈!只能说你脸皮越来越厚了!

  5. Hi,

    I think you’re doing such a great job with your blog! And you’re doing so good on Chictopia as well! You’re very stylish 🙂

    I’m following on bloglovin’
    Happy new year!


  6. Hallie, I was so busy these days, or I should say busy in making up my sleep, I drove to memphis twice at night on Monday! Happy New Year! Ya know what, I got my new year gift yesterday, it was the oxford I dreamed about from William Rast look book! I got it on good deal I think…

    BTW, ya should put on nail polish for the new year!

  7. 好久没来看Hallie姐姐了,先祝姐姐新年快乐啊

  8. 呵呵, 也不知道我的风格是不是适合XIER妹妹的风格…..但是不管怎样, 都要谢谢XIER经常来看看坐坐和说说:)

  9. Hi, Jenny, Happy New Year! and good to know that you got the oxford as a gift, I know you do like it alot! but serious,can I see a picture you wear it? haha….
    BTW, I did put on a red nail polish in the NYE and 1st Jan. 🙂

  10. 其实你这么一说, 我反而有些苦恼, 因为觉得抓不住自己应该属于何种风格,,,,觉得好象我应该固定下一种风格比较好, 看看意见如何?

  11. 呵呵, 已经跟我老公转达你的问候了啊, 他说谢谢你啊:)
    其实我的英文也是不太着谱的, 以前听人家说中国人讲英文其实就是练脸皮, 我就是属于脸皮比较厚的那种, 哈哈.

  12. 你那件外套其实我都没得见上正面, 不过你在相片里是配的窄脚裤吗? 那样就挺好啊, 还有现在不是兴一种比较飘比较长比较轻的长裙吗? 你可以试试…

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