Neon and Nude

I think you have noticed the floaty silhouettes, sheer fabrics, and bright colors taking the center stage of fashion from this spring. The neon and neutral trend was heavily featured in Burberry Prosum’s Spring 2011 Collection. And now this trend is already popular around every corner near us.

When I wear neon, I always try to avoid “over doing it”. So I like to use color as a statement piece, like using a great neon bag and the same tone sunglasses to add an unexpected touch of glamour nude basics.

Don’t you just like the typical California view in the last picture? It’s the street a block from our house.Sorry, we got to enjoy that every day:)

I was wearing: American Apparel Nude Blouse

Zara Nude Skirt

Alexander Wang Nude Wedges

Candy Shoulder Bag c/o

Sunglasses from Target

Lucky Brand Ring

29 thoughts on “Neon and Nude

  1. love this look!!! how “coincidence” is that your ring, bag & sunnies are the same shade of blue? can’t imagine the size of your wardrobe!! heehee! u look fabulous!! <3

  2. Wo, chérie.
    First of all – I LOVE California! So, kind of jealousness going on over here!
    Secondly – the nude touch with that turquoise pinch is OH! Bside, I’ve got the same skirt 🙂


    from C Le Chic

  3. I like typical Califonia view! I have a nude shirt very similar to yours,I like the fusion of all the pieces of this outfits!You look pretty ! 😀

  4. 简单的搭配,有了莹光色点缀,又是时尚的一身。RB真是可爱了。真想抱抱他。嘻。那街道很干净,那树叫椰树还是棕树呢?

  5. Hiii Hal! 🙂 You look so pretty in this outfit! I know what you mean about overdoing it. Not that I wear a lot of colors, but I’ve seen many girls wearing colors from head to toe and they look awesome, but there are other girls as well that look like clowns, so I think it’s better to go the easy way lol! However I’m sure that you could wear the most uncombined colors and still look amazing, but I prefer this one. Neutral base and neon accessories! Love the skirt, is it leather?? And of course the sunnies, bag and ring are pure awesomeness!!! 😀 haha, Red Bear is so funny rolling in the grass! 🙂 I used to do that too with my brother and we ended up destroying all our clothes hahaha! My mom was not particularly excited with this lol!
    And OMGOSH of course I’m jealous!!! OF COURSE!! This is such a beautiful place! It’s so…american! In some sort of way! Awesome! <3 That said, there's a chance I'm travelling to New York next summer 😀 Everything's just a plan yet, but I really hope I'll make it 😀
    Lots of kisses to both of you! 😀 xx

  6. no no, the skirt just leather look…I bought it when it was on sale, a steal 🙂
    About rolling in the grass, I like it that way, because the grass is bettter than dirt and water for me in this point…lol…
    how exciting you are planing to visit NY next summer, I was just talking to my hubby in the dinner that we should have a trip to Greece,,,lol….XX

  7. 棕榈树吧,,,呵呵,,,这种树好就好在, 不用怎么浇水, 就适合这种沙漠地带种植, 我家就有十几棵…

  8. 啊??? 荧光色的内衣?? 哈哈,…我不敢, 不过我很期待在你的相册里看到哪…嘻嘻…需要你来刺激我….

  9. Oh, how I love this mix of nude colors and blue details! Absolutely adoreable! And yes, we hate you for the last photo! 😀

  10. 原来是棕榈树啊?我也以为是椰子树呢,呵呵!

  11. This is such a gorgeous set of photos. I love the nude with that Tiffany blue! Your husband takes really nice photos of you!


  12. 哈,忘记那个榈字的写法,在海南岛那很多,就应该是热带生长的吧。很有特色哦。好象那枯叶掉下来会砸到头吗?在你家是有看到过呢。以前你不是经常在树下拍照的吗?很大一根树头的。好象在泳池边也有吧?

  13. 裸色其實真的很百搭!! 基本上配什麼顏色也不會出事. 🙂 只是我bf說他最討厭裸色了……哈哈哈..男人懂個屁!!

  14. 哈哈…我老公就很喜欢看我穿这套啊…不过他的嘴巴太甜, 我穿什么他都说好看,服气啦….

  15. 哈哈, 树叶如果掉下来你在下面, 肯定会砸到头的啊. 不过我家还没出现过被砸到头的事情呀…嗯嗯,,,我家的树基本在泳池边….SUE的记性真好..

  16. 我也希望是椰子树呢, 至少可以有果子吃, 这些棕榈树就是得个好看, 收拾起来太麻烦了….

  17. I got this pair of sunnies few months ago, but I see Target carry a lot of neon sunnies, you can go check it out:)

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