I don’t hide it, I like to accessorize everything with neon color right now. The big area neon style is something I can’t pull off, so I collect all the little ones — got this belt from Target, and the neon socks from Walgreen. And oh! I DIY some neon necklaces, too! You know, just get some neon spray and spray on some old necklaces; I will show you soon.
Karen Walker Sunglasses, Neon Belt from Target, Neon Socks from Walgreen, H&M ring
ASOS cropped trench(old, similar here), Zara eyelet Tee(last seen here),vintage Pants,
Swedish Hasbeens Pumps(c/o), Gucci Bag(last seen here, here and here),
Karen Walker Sunglasses, Neon Belt from Target, Neon Socks from Walgreen, H&M ring
還有妳把風衣罩衫披在肩上的隨性,我都好愛好愛 ♥
i am loving the neon yellow touch! great outfit Hallie!
Tina @ http://www.Tinacious.Me
I love the little doses of neon, I agree sometimes in big amounts it looks a little crazy 80s. Can’t wait for the DIY!
Hi! This is such an interesting outfit! I love so much the colors and the neon details! Also, this top is adorable! Oh and this is such a fan DIY idea with the necklaces! I think I’m going to try this!
hi hallie.
i love this look. the pops of neon work well with the neutral palette! love the neon socks.
I also DIY’d some neon jewels. It’s so easy and you have an updated piece within minutes!
you look amazing again. can´t believe i haven´t bought anything neon yet. it looks so awesome
que bonita la blusa
Animales y tachuelas en
I love your shirt!
Kiss from http://swing-sisters.blogspot.com.es/
SO pretty!Love the top!
Cute look! Love your top and jacket!
70’s feminine chic with a Charlie’s Angels flair!! So unique!