Neon Sneakers

HallieDaily Neon Skeakers_5My husband Bob wasn’t happy when he saw me out with this outfit, he kept saying this is not my style at all, and he only liked the top half part of me in this outfit…Until I gained some fans on the streets, people kept asking me where did I get these shoes. I blamed the Instagram, after seeing a lot of posts with sneakers style, I decided to put myself into the “trend”, not that I would wear sneakers everyday, but geeez….they are so comfortable!

Wish you all have a happy weekend!


HallieDaily Neon Skeakers_4

HallieDaily Neon Skeakers_7

HallieDaily Neon Skeakers_0Neon Sneakers:  Nike Air Max Classic

Cashmere Scarf: Handvaerk

Pants:  Land’s End

Sweatshirt: Project Social T

Gray Coat: recent, similar here and here)

Sunglasses: Ray Ban Aviator

Shop Other Sneakers Style:


18 thoughts on “Neon Sneakers

  1. Hey, different styles for different occasions, right? There should always be a time And a place for everything including sneakers. This is a great little outfit!

  2. 哈哈!你们两口子真有意思!我现在也挺爱穿球鞋的,很舒服很有活力!

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