“New” Bag

Remember last time I told you I was having one of my old Carlos Falchi bag for a big surgery here? So this is the result, it’s shorter and lighter, I think it looks much better than before. What do you think?

Again! Don’t forget to check out $100 Romwe Shopping Freebies —-Giveaway!

French Connection Tee

Silence + Noise White Jeans

Zara Heels

Carlos Falchi Bag (After “Surgery”)

D&G Watch

Forever21 Ring


23 thoughts on ““New” Bag

  1. You look so fabulous in black and white. I’m in love with your hat. The bag makeover is quite fascinating. I definitely think it looks better with an updated look. Red Bear looks like he’s about to fall into the fountain! Last time my son did something like that, he fell in. Thank goodness we were right there to pull him out and the water was shallow. Scared the heck out of me. I had been warning him not to climb up, but of course he didn’t listen. Hopefully a lesson learned? Probably not. Ah well, boys will be boys!
    Van // The Clothes We Wear
    Wearing motherhood with style.

  2. RB今天好范儿啊!!!阳光,自由,随性。最喜欢男孩子这样的穿着了。

  3. 很时尚的包包呢。你那老墨市场的工匠很厉害哦。想问一下,人工会不会更高哦。又是白色的一身,有种清凉,舒服的感觉。RB真是很帅的小男孩哦。

  4. 哇包包變得輕巧可愛!師傅的技術真是了得,厲害厲害。
    他的巧手就像是魔術師一樣> <

  5. 咋一看, 有点象CELIN的笑脸包哦, HALLIE身材是越来越好了, 取经取经, 呵呵…

  6. WOW!!! I know I said I was not a fan of this black bag in the post you presented it, but seriously I LOVE IT!!!! It looks so much cuter now, and gorgeous and awesome!! I would deeeefinitely hold something like that! It’s a beautiful and classic piece 🙂 And of course the rest of the outfit rules! White on white is so perfect for summer and it has this rocker vibe! IN LOVE! Pretty hat as well! Omgosh, I’m waiting for an outfit that I won’t like lol! I would be really surprised hahah! I always lovelovelove your outfits 🙂
    Aww I thought Red Bear was falling into the fountain! :O He is so cute, but I’m sure he is naughty lol! Every boy is 😛 When my brother was little, he would do everything lol!
    Bye bye! Have a nice day, Hal 😉 :*

  7. 改过后的包包很时尚呢,还以为是新的,不错!小声的问一问,改包包花了多少钱?嘻嘻

  8. OMG I just saw a bag like that yesterday but different colors, and now I’m so regret why dont I bought it! bcs I saw from your outfit, its really COOL bag! 😀
    I love the top! this’s cool look with the ripped pants, genius! so inspiring 😀
    and haha red bear really enjoy summer! wish I can meet him and you 🙂 and maybe I can play with him :p

  9. 其实修鞋的一般都可以改包吧, 我这个认识他的时候只知道他是鞋匠, 后来发现他的一个PARTNER可以改包包,,,呵呵, 设备齐全咧…

  10. 改这个包包只花了18美金哦, 另外那个师傅说可以拿剩下的料做个钱包, 也没和我讲价格, 不知道是不是免费, 呵呵

  11. 男孩的穿着来来去就这样, 简单了事….不象女孩子, 可以花样多些, 呵呵..

  12. 18美金了啦, 不贵, 当时那老板报价, 我听了差点说了句”这么便宜?” ^^

  13. 我想要这顶帽子啊。。亲爱的是在商场买的吗?我姑姑现在就在美国。告诉我啦,在哪里买的,好让她帮我带回来啊。。谢谢!

  14. 额, 我的这顶帽子是在FREE PEOPLE的店里买的,当时就一顶,你可以在网上搜搜这牌子, 让你姑姑在网上买吧.^^

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