New Camera

For most of the pictures we have taken to use in my blog so far, beside a big thanks to my dear husband, I have to thanks to our Nikon D80 camera, which is excellent but fairly big and heavy.  But with Red Bear and me scheduled to visit China pretty soon, lightening all my luggage is a must, including the camera.

Still working hard to figure out how to make the perfect picture with my new Olympus Pen E-PL1; those leaves’ pictures turned out pretty cool, though.

I was wearing: Zara sweater(sold out)/print pants(sold out, this one looking so good), Chanel bag and Loafers, Karen Walker Sunglasses,, Forever21 ring.

25 thoughts on “New Camera

  1. 文艺气质哦。喜欢那红毛线衣。看起来很暖和很舒服的呢。

  2. 新相機拍出來的楓葉很美呢!老公前一陣子也一直嚷嚷要買台類單眼,我和老公說:既然要買類單眼,為啥不買單眼呢?而且我一直很想買紅色外殼的相機。

    大大CHANEL logo鞋鞋也好吸引我,真是可愛!

  3. Yeah, a lighter camera is a must when you have walking to do :S So…when are you leaving? 😀
    The pictures turned out pretty good! Love the color of the sweater, it suits you greatly. And the pants are so cool… I wonder if I’d wear them, but I don’t think I still have the guts for it. Oh well, baby steps! Your sunnies rock as well and OF COURSE there are no words for the bag <3
    The pictures of the leaves are amazing. I don't know how the weather is there, but here fall is leaving us fastly, so no more nice leaves like these.. Whatever! Bye bye! Kisses to you and Red Bear! 🙂

  4. wow beautiful photos! love your pants 😀
    the new camera is olympus pen? its my dream camera! haha 😀 you’ll get some great photos with olympus pen! 😉
    I cant wait to read and see your photo in China

    happy holiday mrs.Hallie! xo

  5. Your new camera definitely looks lighter and easier to carry around! The photographs of the leaves have such nice colours and I’m looking forward to seeing the photographs that are produced from it. (:

  6. New Camera…

    New Year…

    New Red Bear…

    New Hallie…

    BTW:在2011年的最后一天,我一定要告诉Hallie ,半年前曾在梦境见过你:在你家,你穿着一件中国红连衣裙,长发波浪,妩媚动人。尤其是皮肤,白皙靓丽。

  7. I am truly delighted to have discovered your inspiring and highly creative talent portrayed in each and every of your stylistic endeavours and images.
    I’m particularly happy to see that you have created such an interesting and fashion-forward look with the zara pants as a center-piece which I have recently bought and have given my own take as well.

    Best wishes for the upcoming year my dear!

  8. WOWWWWWW AMAZING!!!!!!! I love love love the trousers’ pattern!!! and the burgundy sweater!!! I’m looking 4 one everywhere!!!! and I’m looking for these kind of trousers too!!! and the loafer and the 2.55 are to die for obviously (CHANEL!!!!!) you just look amazing and I hope you’ll enjoy visiting China!!!! my mom and grandma went to China a year ago and the really enjoyed! 😀

  9. Love the photos of today,the new camera is really cool,and of cause,and the outfits is nice too.I think i´ll copy this looks one day.:D

  10. 我们一起提高的,呵呵, 我来指导,他来拍…..今天才回顾了下以前的一些文章,惨不忍睹…. 🙂

  11. I am glad your mom and your grandma enjoyed their trip to China,,,my husband still worry if I would lose Red Bear in China during the visiting,,,lol….

  12. 这么休闲的打扮, 没想到这么多人喜欢呢,,,那天穿平底鞋, 因为逛街去了…. 🙂

  13. 谢谢亲爱的Lily, 非常感谢你的祝福, 还有你的梦,,,,被人梦到, 我现在幸福得不行…谢谢! 谢谢! 谢谢!!!!

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