New In

Theysken’s Theory. I am so in love with this shoes since I saw them for the very first time, finally asked for them as my Mother’s day gift. 🙂

10 thoughts on “New In

  1. 这鞋跟太挑战了,不过的确很有女人味。Hallie的每次搭配都很喜欢·~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

  2. W-O-W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are perfect! Wedge, pointed, black, straps!! Pure perfection! They are gorgeous gorgeous! Can’t wait to see you rocking them 😀

  3. 还好啦, 昨天穿着出去, 为了照相, 还带着宝宝去公园走了走, 还不差, 没拐着, 没摔着, 哈哈…

  4. 我的礼物是强求得来的, 哈哈….那叫来之不易啊, 好不容易碰上了母亲节…

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