New In: Carven

The first time I saw the Carven S/S 2011 lookbook, I fell in love with these pumps.  Finally got them when they were on sale and the last pair in my size.  Is there anything else I could ask for? 🙂

19 thoughts on “New In: Carven

  1. I don’t know, when I first saw you wearing them, I thought they were little birds following you around, and I tried to feed them!

  2. HAHAHHAHA Mr. Bob, you crack me up! 😀 Hal, they are sooo pretty!!! WOW!! They’re amazing actually! I saw them a few weeks ago and the first time I noticed were the shoes lol! They’re something completely different from anything else. I’m jealous! Well, I can’t complain. I too got new shoes today! They’re a pair of white heels, oh, they’re SO pretty! Anyway, can’t wait to see them in an outfit 😀

  3. seriously…loving carven rite now!!!… And one of these days you need to give me a peek to your shoe collection please….!!

  4. Oh, tnx for making me jealous! Thank you so much! 😀
    Love them!!! And I had to laugh so much about your hubby’s comment! 😀

  5. Wow wow wow, Demy has new shoes!!! tell me what’s that look like pls?:)
    Forget about Bob’s comment, I always say he don’t know about style or fashion:D haha….shrrrrr….

  6. hallie太幸運了> <

  7. 看到啦。Hallie你的老公留言吗?我们这边也有这款呢。不过都是杂牌子来的。这是很斯文的高跟鞋呢。不知Hallie会搭配出什么特别的味道呢?

  8. It’s not his fault. He’s a man lol! Just kidding, Mr. Bob 😀
    The heels I got are really really pretty! I can’t stop looking at them lol! They’re made of white leather and the heel is kinda tall, I don’t know how tall is in inches, but it’s 9 centimetres. Ah! You should see them!
    Do you want to see a pic?? I just took it with the web cam for you lol!

  9. 好喜欢蝴蝶结啊。真在想是否要找一双黑色皮鞋出来改造一下。哈哈

  10. 是啊, 我那天也在想这个问题, 是不是上布料店扯两块布, 做成这些蝴蝶结在每双鞋上绑两绑. 哈哈…

  11. 嗯, 这边的仿款也很多呢, 但是蝴蝶结都不够这个大, 看上去材质也不如这个好:D

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