No Train Stopped Today

Another good place for taking pictures, I like the view, Red Bear likes the Choo Choo train, he has been asking to get on the train, but unfortunately, no train stopped in this station today. But we got to see a train pass by, it ran so fast like the wind…

Hey! strangers on the train, We didn’t know who you are , but did you see our waving with a big smile.

Zara Orange Cardigan/polka dot scarf

H&M cream Dress/belt

Miu Miu Shoes

Chanel Bag

Socks from Target

24 thoughts on “No Train Stopped Today

  1. 我是沙发!!!再平凡的单品在Hallie身上都能穿出不一样的味道,我要仰视你!

  2. 说不出的美丽..看着Hallie的搭配就是一件赏心悦目的事。蓝色的是丝巾来的吗?加在一齐真的是青春靓丽。RB一定是玩得很高兴,可以看到火车。一家人乐呵呵的。幸福中。

  3. 加了条围巾真是效果非凡啊, 刚开始还以为是一件吊带之类的打底呢, 学习了

  4. 亲爱的,不知道什么原因.现在你改了设置后,看你的图片都是变形了的?

  5. Hallie,you are always surprise us with your superior techniques! This polka dot scarf on the cream dress,and the thin belt with the same color of the cardigan, showed off your figure to perfection. Love it!
    RB more handsome day by day:P

  6. Aaaah, so sorry Hallie for being late on commenting, but I’m sorta jam packed with homework right now -_-‘
    Aaaaanyways, you look so so so so beautiful!!! 😀 😀 I always love to see your posts! And these colors look amazing together! Usually, I’m surprised by the combinations you come up with, you’re really creative and that’s AWESOME!!!!!! So there’s no need to go on and on! 🙂 I LOVE everything you wear 😀 And this place is very nice, although I kinda freak out seeing you walking there like that. I think I would be afraid of trains (me chickeeeen :P) Your hair is perfect like that as well, you pulled your bangs on the right, huh? I really like this 🙂 Red Bear is so cute as always 🙂 I’m sure the people on the train were excited by the two suns (one small Red Bear and one tall Hallie 🙂 )

    Have to go study now (yupee 🙁 ) Take care 😀

  7. Hard working Student, I like the way you are, play hard and study hard, and make fun and enjoy fun hard.

    About walking in the trains, don’t be afraid of them, they always horn before they get in the station;) and they horn so loud!! 😀 Red Bear likes them!

  8. Joanne, I am glad you like my crazy way to wear cloth sometimes:) As I said, I really love polka dot and midi/long skirt recently, you will see more polka dot here:) How about you? what trend do you like for now?
    Red Bear for me is more handfull day by day:)

  9. 当我穿好衣服后,我就也帮RB找了件橙色衣服,造就了今天的母子装,哈哈.

  10. 也有一些人和我说看图片变形,亲爱的用的什么浏览器?你试着换用火狐试试看?

  11. 呵呵,还吊带?有效果好的吊带也可以啊,只要效果出来了就行.

  12. Hallie这次的撞色太出彩了!!! 运用围巾和罩衫的颜色来撞 这个想法真好~!!!!!

  13. 我原来看的时候也是图片变形,不知道什么原因,最近我耐心等待网页全部打开以后,图片就显示正常了

  14. 嗯嗯,亲爱的都耐心等待下看看网页全部打开后会不会都显示正常了?

  15. 呵呵,其实这个想法以前看到别人穿过,只是我那天才开始实践...IVY喜欢的话,哪天也可以试试呢.

  16. 我知道什么原因了, 因为我是在后台回复的, 所以每次就是一次性回复一堆 , 刚好有些人在写回复的时候我也在写回复, 你们的留言就混在我的留言里, 我就会看走漏了…嘻嘻,,,下次我会注意看的啦…

  17. 那你把电脑放高啦? 哈哈…不用仰视嘛,,,一般情况下视就可以啦^^

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