Not too Late — Happy Chinese New Year

We are back for Los Angeles at this super cold and rainy weather, last night watching the CCTV Spring Night show, and I just realize this is Chinese New Year already! I hope this is not too late to say—Happy Chinese New Year! 🙂
These pictures were taken last week before the trip.  Later I will show you more pictures from the St. Lucia trip; the internet there was on and off or very slow…

Sorry if I reply to you late, but I will try my best to catch up with all the letters and comments from you!

P.S. Red Bear wants to add: “Gung hay fat choy!”

I was wearing: Zara coat(old) and Skirt, H&M sweater and scarf, Target Hat, Jeffrey Campbell Wedges, ASOS bag(old), Ray Ban Sunglasses and YSL ring

16 thoughts on “Not too Late — Happy Chinese New Year

  1. That last shot is amazing 🙂 and somehow I thought for a mini-second “hey is that susie bubble??) you have a similar bone structure in that photo xD

    yours annka from

  2. 大衣很美啊!而且看起来很暖和,帽子和围巾是一套吗?记得你这个邮差包是在ASOS买的是吧?最近很想买个能背能挽的包包。

  3. RB真的会说这句“恭喜发财”吗?还有红包拿来呢?嘻嘻,Hallie有给RB红包吗?他知道过春节的习俗吗?有想过以后让他回国内过新年吗?
    大衣真的很漂亮。。春节这几天真的很冷呢。 又下雨的。真想呆在家里。。

  4. Definitely not to late for lunar new year greetings haha. The cutout and lace-up combination in your wedges are really cool and I like the mix of similar animal prints. Happy Chinese New Year! xx

  5. RB不会说, 我老公会说, 呵呵…我不给RB红包的, 只给他玩具, 现在给他红包, 他会嫌不是玩具丢一边去的…是打算2/3月回去呢…

  6. 看看的记性真好, 这个包是以前在ASOS买的没错:)
    帽子和围巾不是一套, 分开买的,,,
    也谢谢看看的祝福, 在祝 你新春快乐, 龙年吉祥的同时, 也祝你早日买到一个可背可挽的包包…

  7. 錯過親愛的好幾天的更新了。剛從娘家回來,好累喔!因為剛好M.C來又加上感冒發燒,整個人都昏昏沉沉的。原因就是因為愛美穿太少了,想想真是活該!

  8. Happy Chinese New Year, Hallie! Better late than ever! 😀 I love so much these pictures, your outfit is just perfect! These fall colors are so warm and they do suit you 🙂 Heheee Red Bear’s hat is just too cute for words! 😀 <3

  9. 哈哈,我已经买到了,昨天去ZARA买了一个很喜欢的包包,黑色,拼蛇皮的,还买了一件白毛衣和蕾丝内搭,都是折扣的,有一件蛇纹的小西装只剩一件了,没抢到,呵呵!

  10. 还别说,我已经有很长一段时间没进ZARA实店了? 网上看到啥就买啥,,黑色拼蛇皮的包包,想想就好看呢!

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