Not Yet Dark

I hope everybody had a wonderful weekend!  We had a pretty busy and simple one, most importantly, Red Bear got to attend a neighbor’s 3-year-old boy’s birthday party: toys, pizza, cake, presents.  Even though the weather was cold and cloudy, the kids had a roaring good time..

Suddenly the holiday season is here.  And it’s really warming to see more holiday lighting starting to appear everywhere.  Pretty soon, we’ll be putting up our own Christmas lights and buying a Christmas tree. Sounds fun?!

I was wearing: Zara Leather sleeve Parka/Silk blouse/Skirt(old), Burberry Prorsum suede and canvas lace-up platform pumps, 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli Satchel, House of Harlow sunglasses.


35 thoughts on “Not Yet Dark

  1. 這個周末我們一家也過的好熱鬧!朋友來訪,去吃了好吃的泰味料理,還去SOGO週年慶逛街。

  2. I feel like it’s weird to see Christmas lights without snow lol…but I guess that’s because I’ve grown up in New York! Glad to hear that you had a good weekend (:

  3. Oh I’m a Christmas freak…it’s my favourite part of the year and starting with december 1 I’ll begin to make the tree and put the lights all over the house 🙂 Oh and all I do is listening to Chrismas songs and watching Christmas movies 🙂 How perfect are these Burberry platform pumps?! I so want it 🙁

  4. hallie,想买一对UGG的靴子,请问哪个购物网可以找到呢?感恩节有折扣么?THKS

  5. omg!!! what a beautiful match with the platforms and the trench!!! they don’t have it in other languages but in hebrew there’s a word to congratulate someone if he buys something new so I’ll just write in in hebrew תתחדשי for you new platforms! haha:) and the parka is absolutely gorgeous!! GORGEOUS! and the shirt sits so well oh I just love Zara haha’ and the skirt is so cute with the outfit! I never would’ve thought of that! and I’m so jelous about Christmas! we don’t have it in Israel obviously and it’s so sad beacause it’s such a pretty holiday!! with all the light!!:)

  6. I love the colors and the leather, the skirt looks perfect on you, and the SHOES are stunning, they tie the whole outfit together. Super chic!

  7. Thank you Ariel!:) what kind of holiday do you have in Israel? I know when I was in China, the Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday. and there are “Red” stuff in everywhere…the bad thing is, most of the store wouldn’t open…hehehe…

  8. UGG在各大商场的网站都有得买呢. Rita 可以上Zappo.com这个网站上看. 至于感恩节有没有折扣, 现在我也不知道, 都是要等到感恩节前几天才会有消息的..也快了吧:)

  9. 嘻嘻, 听你这么一讲述, 我觉得你的上个周末也好热闹的. 就喜欢听到大家都开开心心的样子, 我也开心起来.

  10. 上个周末我也很忙,LG考试,我也考试,反正一天时间就耗掉了,还没好好休息,加上一星期都感冒,喉咙都沙了,几天发声不好,累啊,辛苦啊。说起圣诞节,我想起去年Hallie一家是到农场选树的吧。那是一棵很大很高的圣诞树呢,很漂亮。今年我也继续把家里的假的小圣诞树装饰一番,到时跟YY过圣诞节。哈。期待Hallie的圣诞树呢。

  11. 是啊, 感恩节和圣诞节快到了,绝对是购物旺季, 新闻说今年的网购将红红火火呢,,,肯定要有我的一份, 嘻嘻.

  12. SUE要考什么试呀? 也幸亏已经考过了, 可以好好休息了吧? 这段时间也是感冒高峰, 我家大小男人都病倒了…希望大家已然点好起来!

  13. 只是每年年审的资格证考试,就是付钱上课就是了。

  14. Hi Hal!!! After staring blankly on the screen for an embarrassing long time, I tell you that your shoes are the best thing that happened to me these last few days haha! They’re so..badass!!! I looove them, I wish I had them AH! Of course the fact that the rest of the outfit is kind of simple helps showing off their beauty!
    Kids parties are so fun and they always give me a headache from all the screaming and stuff, but it’s ok. Kids are funny! When I was little and used to go to parties, I would always eat too much cake -another proof that my sweet tooth has existed all my life 😛
    AH… Christmas. Jesus, where did time go? It seems like this year is flying over for me. After Christmas, there will be left only 4 months until my final exams :S And apparently, I’m not going to enjoy Christmas holidays since studying can’t take a break. Ah, nevermind, this time next year, I’ll be in uni! 🙂 But I need to see your Christmas decoration when you put it up (and Red Bear’s expression as well!)

  15. hahaha,,,we all love your sweet tooth and sweet life:D Red Bear is like me, we like sweet stuff, but always know what’s enough, and I always tell Red Bear he need to eat regularly food, and candy is not:D
    I will show you our Christmas decoration fur sure? how about yours? 😀

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