Oversized Sweater

I have been looking for oversized sweater or vest recently, found this big sweater yesterday on sale in a boutique store. Today here we got some rain and the temperature draw down about 10F, good change to wear it today.

Normally I don’t like to talk about political affairs, but recently, things happen in Egypt really concerned me alot, Have you ever been to Egypt? I did? once. Such a beautiful country, with so many amazing historical antiquities. God  please bless the peoples there.


Oversized sweater from local boutique store

Vintage scarf/Bag/Headband/necklace

Joie Boot

Zara dress

10 thoughts on “Oversized Sweater

  1. 长毛衣很好看!一直都很喜欢埃及,觉得这个国家很神秘也很特别,现在生活在那里的人们一定很没有安全感,希望那里的局势尽快稳定下来。

  2. 我们发了邮件给在那里的朋友, 那人居然回邮件说, 其实没什么, 没有象电视里播的那么严重, 我晕, 那电视里的画面是怎么来的呀?

  3. 这靴子当时是买大了, 大了1.5码, (当时估计是昏了头, 呵呵), 所以每次穿里面都要穿两双袜子…. :))

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