Palm Spring-2, Air Museum

The first day in 2011, we were still in Palm Spring, after a late night sleep and a early breakfast, we decided to visit a Air Museum in Palm Spring, because we really don’t want to waste time on bed in such a good weather and good place. 🙂




6 thoughts on “Palm Spring-2, Air Museum

  1. wow!帅呆了!每张图片都仔细看过,真佩服美国人的想象力,能造出这么多造型各异的飞机,而且都有不同的功能和用途,不愧为拥有全球最顶尖的军事科技力量。

  2. 嗯嗯, 那里还有温泉, 我们还没机会去叫, 下次, 呵呵, 希望下次在那里和看看遇上, 多美的梦想呀. 🙂

  3. 呵呵,你上网查一下"飞虎队"就知道了,不是香港的哦,是美国飞虎队.

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