Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

This Saturday, we went to a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser at the airport near our house, hosted by San Fernando Valley 99s and Aviation Explorers Post 747. the even took place on the lawn area in front of the airport office. and for a donation we got a breakfast that including: pancakes, sausages, fruit salad, orange juice, coffee or hot chocolate. Be honest, the breakfast wasn’t great, but we got to see the airplane taking off and landing, that’s really fun, at least Red Bear likes it!

8 thoughts on “Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

  1. Hallie,我又来啦!哇,天气真好,碧蓝的天!小RB会把Feiji发成Fiji么?他带墨镜的样子太可爱了

  2. 太好了, April又来了, 话说现在也春天了, 你也该来了, 嘻嘻.
    你是怎么知道RB有时候会把Feiji发成fiji的? 记得有一次带他去中国城吃饭, 他拿着小飞机跟旁边桌的中国小朋友说FIJI, 结果人家小朋友们都在猜他说什么, 蛮搞笑的, 呵呵…

  3. 我还以为TB上会很多呢, COCO试着找些韩国货? 我发现这边的好的袜子包装都是韩国的.:)

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