Every day 4pm, I will take my boy to the park if the weather is good. That is one of the relax and happy moment during the day. Sometimes, when I look at this little thing, I can feel my heart full of something, what’s that? it’s call a Mom’s Love. You can only feel it when you are really a mom.
Have you seen the movie Inception? It’s a good movie, but some parts really confused me, one of them is I can’t understand why Leonardo’s wife would think of to live in the dream world with her husband but leave their children alone? I know, people are different, and this is just a movie.
Talking about movie, are you looking forward to the Oscar Award at this weekend like I am? ^^
MOMO,YOUR BOY 真的是越来越可爱,讨人喜欢了。呵呵,好怀念啊!看到你的照片~偶有机会来美国了,3月3~5号在洛杉矶哦,4号全天自由活动哦,我们有机会碰面不?给偶回个话吧
啊? 你带的什么团啊? 还有自由活动时间的? 哈哈,,,我问下我LG那段时间我们有什么安排不啊? 因为听他说要去拉斯维加斯去看个什么展来着,,,我有空上MSN上等你啊^^
牙好,胃口好!!! 睡觉也麻香:)
嘻嘻, 你也看了, 那你有看不懂的地方不? 我就不明白为什么最后莱昂那多来到了那个中弹的日本人的梦境, 那个日本人都老得掉牙了, 可是莱昂那多还是那么年轻, 怎么解释呀? 哈哈,,,我是不是鸡蛋里挑骨头了?
好喜欢最后一张照片呢!你是在秋千上照的吧?可怜了小RB只能躺在沙子里, 嘻嘻。
Inception刚刚上映的时候, 我们就去影院看了, 不过我看完一遍还是云里雾里的。
接电气? 哈哈….这叫法好, 话说RB玩的不是手电, 是望远镜:D, 嘻嘻…
我们这温度是低了不少呢, 所以我这几天都不敢穿得太少, 哈哈,,,怕又感冒了….奥斯卡是周日晚上呢, 嘻嘻…
是坐在秋千上的, 呵呵, 不过RB倒是希望我睡沙上跟他一起哦, 呵呵….
你回归了就好啦!!! 怀念跟你三八聊天的日子!!!
哈哈, 不是啊, 你看一些船长或海盗的电影电视, 大多不都用的单筒的? ^_^
I loooove loooove loooove your pants!!! I’m not impressed that you have styled them so greatly, though!! You can style and pull off everything! I’m sure aout that! 🙂 I want so much your circle scarf, it’s really beautiful and cozy! And your cardigan is awesome and your shoes too! Everything actually haha! :)(F)rock on!!! 🙂
I have not watched Inception, but I have heard it’s a nice movie. I will download it 🙂 And of course, I’m too looking forward to the Oscars! It’s tonight!! hehehe! I guess that Natalie Portman should be awarded for her performance in Black Swan! I can’t wait to see all these beautiful and impressive gowns!!
Kisses! :*
you are always so kind, Demy,,,
I am watching Oscars now, so far, I like the young hosts:)