Patches | 补丁

Shopping in H&M, and you can see the patches in everywhere. Sweaters, leggings, blazers. The patches will make any regular sweater and jeans winter outfit a bit more modern and fun and any business outfit a bit more relaxed and edgy. There are tons of productions to choose from this season! I choose a blazer, like the elbow patches:D

H&M Blazer

Zara Rompers

Vintage Booties

Warehouse bag

Urban Outfitters Hat

H&M flower pin

20 thoughts on “Patches | 补丁

  1. These are the most cute pics I have ever seen!!!! My favorites are the third and the last one! Your baby is such a little frog, climbing everywhere! haha! 😀 Hope he isn’t in pain anymore… 🙁

    Anyway, at first I thought I didn’t really really like this outfit just like I do all the rest, but as I scrolled down the pics, I realised that it’s probably the most detailed outfit of you! I’m loving so so much the romper and this blazer with the elbow patches! Patches are awesome indeed! Plus, I’m loving your hat, it’s so beautiful with this pink flower!!! And that’s a great bag as well!! 😀 It’s greatly put together! 😀 😀 Beautiful beautiful! 😀 😀 😀

  2. RB好可爱啊!小淘气!

  3. 我也好想逛H&M.但这边应该还没有.RB好活泼,应该康复了吧.RB这身搭配真的很CUTE的.超喜欢RB.当然还有Hallie..两母子。

  4. 你這個是昨天穿的嗎??我昨天也同樣地把一個H&M的flower pin扣到帽子上呢….
    是同一款花顏色不同 <3 <3


  5. 我倒是早就看见有的男士休闲西装的肘部带有补丁…..话说姐姐你有考虑过减短发吗?

  6. 真高兴看见RB又那么欢快的蹦蹦跳跳的跑了,100美金值得啵。补丁?貌似这里还未流行,都没见哦

  7. 呵呵,可是在中国一瓶眼药水最多也不过几块钱了好不好? 都不明白这里的药店都不卖眼药水的, 非得去看医生 .

  8. 男士休闲西装带有补丁是常见呢, 我就是很喜欢男式补丁西装的那种感觉. 短发? 没考虑过, 不过考虑过买顶短发假发套试试, ^^

  9. 话说这花花裤不知道是不是洗水了变短, 去年夏天我拿来当家居服穿了, 越好象越来越短了.晕

  10. SUE离广州有多远? 广州好象有吧?
    RB康复很快的, 其实在我印象中他生病从来不喊疼什么的, 照样精力充沛得很…

  11. 我现在也特别喜欢这帽子的形, 上面是平的, 四边也是圆且平的, 感觉很小欧洲的感觉, 嘻嘻.

  12. 郑州也有H&M了? 太好了, 郑州发展也很快的! 以后咱们撞衫的机会一定很多的! ^^

  13. 嗯嗯, 我就是想弄成那种感觉, 本来想找一团小野花抱来照相的, 无奈附近只有野草…..唉….

  14. Thank you Demy!!! and Red Bear is a little frog!!! he jump in everywhere, sometime you just can’t believe he can jump so high …lol….maybe I should call him Red Frog? 😀

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