Peach and Gold

This is what I wore last night to carry and  bite the big chocolate cake 😀

The peach dress, the golden clutch, cuffs and necklaces all found in the thrift store. The sweater is from Rebecca Taylor(old), the shoes are from Nine West.

Some friends who living in Los Angeles asked me what’s my favorite thrift store, so far, I think I like the “best of the best” even that carry by National council of Jewish Women, you can go check on their event schedule and search for the store close to you. Good luck!:)

38 thoughts on “Peach and Gold

  1. Amazing dress!I love the way you styled it,Love the color of the dress,love the shoes,….love every piece of your outfits.the sweater is a special point of the ousfits for me.Hallie,do you remember I told you that I like stripe apparel?? I have got a stripe dress this weekend,it’s nice. I love it.

    I do really adore the peach dress!:P

  2. 好漂亮。喜欢那长裙。Hallie穿长裙好看。那开衫好特别,图案漂亮。。。

  3. 哈哈!我喜欢的就是这双鞋子,你已经下手了?我还在犹豫,因为以前曾被我们那个女老总说鞋跟太高了。

  4. 哈哈, 真的吗? 我记得你以前说是黑色大花的, 我是一直都喜欢这个拼色的, 兰青相接的, 走起路来还不错啦, 扛着大包走崎岖路没问题啦, 呵呵….

  5. Hey, that’s not fair, now I start imagine what’s your stripe dress looks like, show me a picture, please?, please?,,^^

    Everytime Red Bear say please to me, I just can’t reject what he want. ^^

  6. 这身搭配我太爱了~~我真是羡慕 嫉妒 但不恨··(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

  7. i like the harmony of fabrics w different textures, weights n colours.. so lovely.. super sensual, soft look.. ok maybe instead of bold colour sandals (:
    love it!

  8. 呵呵, 其实这裙子特别大, 所以外面得穿件外套, 我正在想如何将她改小呢.

  9. 咦 这套非常有感觉呢。。
    粗织毛衣是慵懒的感觉和长裙搭配太赞了 哈哈 又学到了..嘿嘿。。。
    话说眼镜 手包 手镯都好喜欢呀…

  10. *_* ^_^ AAA MA GOD! 😀 I’m having illusions, an angel walking on the street!!! I have to add this gorgeous and perfect and flawless outfit to my inspirational folders and to my favorite outfits on the whole blogosphere!! You’re so pretty! You look like a greek goddess! I just can’t express HOW MUCH I love everything about this outfit (well, actually that goes for every outfit you style! :D) All the pieces are so greatly put together! I’m really jealous of your ability to always look so effortlessly perfect and stylish! 😀 I’m trying to learn from you though 😀 You’re a fashion idol. Honestly, you are!

  11. 看第一张照片就立刻想起了越剧里,宝哥哥唱黛玉的那句:“娴静犹如花照水,行动好比风扶柳”~~~~~~~~~

  12. oh, my dear Demy, that’s such a sweet and nice comment you gave to me, indeed, you are so kind and sweet to me everyday! and that means a lot to me! Thank you so much!:

  13. 哈哈,就是啊,如果你不说, 我都不知道漏掉了, 奇怪了, 真的象是见鬼了似的.
    不过没关系啊, 我知道SUE会一直都提醒我的.嘻嘻….

  14. 好喜欢这件裙子呢!款式和颜色都好看呢!看来这条裙子现在变成了你淘的Vintage里我最喜欢的一件了!鞋子的颜色也好看呢!

  15. 呵呵,主要是我现在越淘越有经验了,所以淘的宝贝也越来越好了:)(自己夸张一下:)

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