My closet is pretty full, except for pencil skirts! I have only this one, weird? I think so. Indeed, this pencil skirt was bought a few years ago; I remember I bought it because of the pretty bold hue. I think I still like it for the same reason, even it has stayed in my closet and not been worn more than 2 times in the last couple years
Match it with a silk light butterfly blouse, balance the whole look, and what could make you look more sophisticated than wearing a pencil skirt with high heels?
Vintage Pencil Skirt
Aldo Shoes
Vintage Bag
Chanel Rose Insolent Lipstick
Purple is never my colour bur its so cool w ur combination..
i love ”d bag”! (:
wow I really love the butterflies top!! I agree that the pencil skirt are worth even your closet is full

Red bear looks like enjoy the sunny days hehe
Ow!!! What a gorgeous outfit! Now I come to think of it it’s the first time I see you wearing a pencil skirt! To be honest purple is not my color, but I can’t deny it looks simply stunning the way you styled it! I mean, I always thought of pencil skirts like this: (I made this look yesterday in Polyvore)
Plus, the top is so cute! It’s from Zara’s new collection, isn’t it? I almost bought this top a few days ago at Athens, but at the last time I switched it for a pair of shorts, silly me lol!
Your hair is soooo pretty <3 I'm really jealous! I'm trying to make them longer, but I'll cut them in a few days, because of the split ends
Well, I can't really complain, since I don't take care of them lol 

You know, black skirt, white shirt, the classic combination. So I really love your approach to this style. You turned the skirt in an out-of-the-office piece, so how can I not love this?
Red Bear looks so happy in the sun indeed! This second to last picture is adorable <3
Kisses to both you beauties
the blouse, the skirt, the shoes…..lust lust…everuthing haha….
You carry off the pencil skirt with such a stylish flair
I actually don’t have a lot of pencil skirts either!! I love this long one on you!! It reminds me of the 30s/40s!
Live Life in Style
I’m a biiiiig fan of pencil skirts….I think they can make any woman look sophisticated, classy ans sexy at the same time. You look amazing in it! I don’t know if I ever told u before, but u have an amazing body!!!
I’m totally speechless…look at you!!! That shirt is to die for! So cut and yet sexy! Great skirt as well, it fits you perfectly and I love it in combination with that shirt! LOVE!!!
現在新主機買回來了,以後hallie的每天我都不會缺席> <
oh wow that skirt!! LOVE the purple on you.
everything is so lovely. I adore the blouse and the shoes.
IVY还记得这条裙子呢:) 记性真好…
Thank You:)
是长大了呢, 越有越有主见了, 开始玩小心眼, 骗妈妈了, 汗…
就是总得挺胸抬背的走, 怕小肚子暴露出来了^^
SUE老说喜欢这颜色那颜色, 可是就是还没开始尝试各种颜色, 是不是?嘻嘻.
呵呵,对啊, 以前是听你说过, 说这衣服你穿不好看, 不过ZARA现在打折季节, 你有没有多试试其他款式?
wow, wow, wow, you are playing Polyvore! How exciting! I went to check on your set, pretty good and very inspired! You are such a smart girl as I always say:)
And don’t worry about your hair length, indeed, I like your hair:) they are naturally curly, so sexy!
墨镜是在这边的一个体育商店买的, 也不知道什么牌子, 但是形状就是雷朋的那种基本款, 如果你喜欢这种款式, 可以找雷朋的基本款试试.
呵呵, 这位感叹号朋友的名字起得真奇特!!!!!!!
呵呵, 看完你这留言, 我坐在这里的时候马上又挺胸抬背了, 哈哈…
Your purple pencil skirt is really beautiful, and your silk light butterfly blouse is also very cute. I love your design, but your sandals is my favourite, very cool. I look forward to your new design.