There are so many things I am so thankful for this holiday season, that including your incredible support. To those who celebrate, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. xo
Wearing: Thrifted Leopard Coat, Zara peter pan collar Tee Shirt, J.Crew Jeans, Carven Wedges, Chanel Bag, headband c/o Andreasbeau
OMG you look so cute!!! hahaha and stylish obviously, I remember when you bought this coat and you uploaded a pic!!-from a thrift store right?:) I am in love with the peter pan collar-in love! I have only one from Topshop that I wear almost all the time… well I’m thinking about buying another one from Topshop tomorrow!
have a great weekend!!! xoxoxo
Happy Thanksgiving Hallie! Hope that you’ve been having a great day! I love how you’ve styled the shoes, they seem really comfortable and the type can be styled with a dressed-up or dressed-down outfit.
Great look,hon!Love the coat and your hair is amazing!
I want your coat!!!!!!!!!!! *__*
This has to be one of the cutest outfits I’ve ever seen – I’m absolutely in love with it; everything from the leopard print coat, to those darling wedges! You’ve styled this amazingly <3
<3 Shawna
I recently discovered your blog via Polyvore. I love your style. This is such a cute outfit.
Hi!!! Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you had an awesome time with your family
And that you’re gonna shop a lot of interesting stuff today hehe! 

I love so much this look! Actually what I love most is your head band! It makes you look so..young! And when I say young, I mean like a kid haha, you’re so cute! I love the coat as well, it looks awesome with these jeans! And yep, I have to admit that I’m gradually changing my mind for these shoes. I love them more and more and I’m sure that this is because of your awesome styling abilities!
Many many kisses!
I love this outfit… I like the way the baby collar t-shirt matches the leopard coat… Not too sweet, not too wild…
oh and good luck with black friday, personally I’m terrified by black friday only by seeing pictures lol
You look so cute and just adorable!!! Like a little princess! Your is very stylish too, as always! Your shoes are spectacular! Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!
Yeap, same as here, after I done spending all of my budget, I stop looking at the shopping site, not even pictures! lol
呵呵,,,,也许是那发箍的缘故, 显得人比较年轻…
是的是的, RB也是经常性一段时间脾气特别坏的, 从早上起床开始, 就怨这个怨那个, 动不动就哭, 就叫!!!! 不过RB哭的时候, 一般只要合了他的意, 他要什么就给什么, 他就不哭了, 但是在家里, 我就不那么宠纵他, 他一哭, 我就把他关起来, 直到他说”妈妈求你开门, 我知道错了”为止, 呵呵….小孩子生病的时候就是这样的, 特别粘父母的, RB生病的时候也是这样子的 . 所以SUE就辛苦点吧….毕竟他们长得也是越来越快了…
Thanks Demy!!! for loving this shoes more and more:) And wish you happy ThanksGiving too!:) I don’t know if you have thanksgiving there. So wish you enjoy a lot of good food there!:D
Thanks Mikell!
谢谢亲爱的, 在这个特别的感恩节, 真的要感谢亲爱的一直以来的支持!!! 我们要一起加油, 一直做美美辣妈哦!:))
Good memory:) and yes, this coat was from a thrift store, and I am loving it:) So did you get what you want from Topshop at the Black Friday:D
You look like a girl,no one would tell you’re a mommy!Chic and stylish,adore absolutely every piece!
I bought instead a cable knit striped sweater from TopShop
it’s very expensive here
but even though were not in the us they had a sale because of black friday 
WOow so as much this animal-printed vest could sound a bit too show-off as much (so prettily) embodied by you this roaring finery mostly evokes me a conspicuous sign of mischievousness I must confess !!!
à Bientôt, Antoine
Yes,,,aren’t we just like sale season:)
I am telling I am a mommy:)