Peter Pan Collar and Grandma’s Curtain

When Bob saw this outfit, he immediately said I was wearing a “Peter Pan Collar” even before we started taking pictures.  I guess I can’t say he doesn’t know fashion anymore!  After he said that, I was going to applaud him a little bit, then he said, ” I remember my grandma had a curtain, and the pattern was just like that on your skirt.  Oh, and maybe she had a couch that looked like that, too!” hahaha,,, I can’t stop laughing at that moment and thanked him for giving some fun words for my post.

Have a happy weekend everyone!

Zara Peter Pan Collar Shirt

Topshop Sweater

Thrifted Skirt

Opening Ceremony Wedges

Louis Vuitton Bag

Eyewear from Forever21

29 thoughts on “Peter Pan Collar and Grandma’s Curtain

  1. wow super cute! i loove it! it makes you look super cute and young!

    and btw this is completely unrelated but, thanks for having your post in both English and Chinese! i’m learning Chinese now so it’s really helpful! 😀

  2. 清纯学生妹哦。。我很喜欢这个领子哦。原来叫”彼得潘领子”啊。我之前买过T,也是这个领子,觉得很好看。以后也会多找一下这样领子的衣服才行。Hallie的LG太搞笑啦。想到当时你们对话的搞笑场面吧。哦。不好意思,我也想加一句,我看过这样的床单呢,还差点买来送我妈妈。嘻嘻。说明这花纹漂亮,耐看,什么都可以用得上,而且一样受欢迎。Hallie眼光特到嘛。 喜欢这样恬静可爱的Hallie..

  3. 哈哈!周末愉快哦!如果把LV换成邮差包会不会更像学生妹?呵呵!

  4. 清新的打扮!感覺好像要拍校園電影。。。這身打扮訴說著校園中青澀單純的愛戀~

  5. 身上的花裙也很漂亮。我老公最喜歡這種大印花和民俗味很重的衣物。

  6. 这身打扮有些清纯的感觉!跟幽默的人一起,周围总是会出现欢声笑语呢!现在一年一年过的好快啊,这一年又快结束了!

  7. Hahaha Bob is really funny! My husband also tells me stuff like that… and I laugh my heart out 🙂 Anyway I love this outfit…the oversized sweater, the peter pan collar, the gorgeous skirt, the geek glasses….PERFECTION!!!

  8. HAHAHHAHA, mr. Bob is SO funny lol! 😀 And well, maybe the print of the skirt is kinda granny-ish, but I LOVE it! The top is adorable too with the cute peter pan collar. But my absolute favorite thing on this outfit is the glasses!!!!!! I neeeed glasses like these. I seriously do and I think I’ll give them a shot. But first I need to go to the oprician’s because my myopia is growing steadily 😛 Anyway, it’s a perfect outfit! 🙂 :*

  9. Bob is funny and honest, lol…I don’t mind the Granny-ish pattern either, and I love them:) indeed, I would like to have some granny-ish sweater or cardigan now..yeah!:D
    Hope you can find a fit glasses soon:D XO

  10. 是啊, 时间过得可真快呢! 我现在都不敢再去算时间了, 越算越觉得老得快..:(

  11. 好象每次我一戴 上这眼镜, 就有”校园”味…呵呵….可能还有那领子, 显得比较年轻:)

  12. 是啊, 现在很兴这领子呢…SUE喜欢的话, 不妨多备:) 说起床单, 这裙子还真有”床单相”, 哈哈,…

  13. 这身搭配和你平常很不一样呢,不过还是美,尤其是毛衣让你整个人看起来好温暖好恬静,你要是这会儿站在我旁边,肯定我会忍不住要拥抱你,你老公是不是有这种感觉呢?

  14. 二宝妈妈很浪漫一人...^^下次我问问我老公他感觉如何,,嘻嘻

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