Pink Top

How is your weekend my lovely friends? We finally got to the beach and had some fun there. Didn’t get wet though, more pictures will post soon.

About today’s outfits, I found this Mexican embroidered fabric bag in a local Mexican market for , like the fabric and color, perfectly match my pink top, good for the summer day. 🙂

“Red Bear, don’t do that to me please!!”

Red Bear can say few Chinese words, one of them is “Da Du Zi” (means big tummy). 😀

H&M Pink Top/necklace

Mexican embroidered fabric bag bought from local Mexican Market

Work Custom Jeans

Jeffrey Campbell Wedges

Chanel Sunglasses

Bracelet used by a vintage necklace

27 thoughts on “Pink Top

  1. very cute bracelets!! I love the pink bag and pink top! since pink is my fave color, I definately love this stylish look 😀
    hahahaha I really love with the 4th pics, he looks very CUTE!! ah I wish I had a cute boy like that someday lol 🙂

  2. AHAHAHAHAHAH the fourth picture is PRE-CIOUS! HAHAHHA! He is a simply adorable Da Du Zi baby! 😀 <3 ahahha! And he cracks me up!
    You look sooo pretty! When I saw the whole outfit, my first thought was 'Awww, Hallie is a hippie!' The whole outfit really gives me this feeling, probably it's the flared jeans and the bag and the bracelets! Omgosh, I just can't express how much I love your style! Really! It's..perfect! It's the only word good enough to describe it! 🙂
    And you went to the beach! Awesome! Today I didn't go to the beach, because although it's REALLY hot, it's also too windy 🙁 And I don't know how to surf lol! But it would be great if I knew! Anyways! I can't wait to see more pictures of your trip to the bech! Kisseees!

  3. 粉红佳人哦。年轻又时尚一族。喜欢牛仔裤,那粉色包包,有民族特色的。RB在玩树枝吗?有弄到Hallie吗?哈。小朋友就是可爱的。Hallie可以每天一词这样教RB中文啊,这样他知道的就更多了。好想听RB说中文呢。还Hallie,大家一齐说,交流交流。。

  4. 亲爱的 要是换上人字拖就马上变身欧美街拍范了 高跟鞋也美美美~~~

  5. 包包好民族啊!很像我在云南买的包包。期待你们的沙滩美照!

  6. 我就是一直想买个云南或西藏的那种布袋呢…呵呵, 拿来配衣服.

  7. 呵呵, 人家就是个子不高嘛, 而且我一般不太穿人字拖出街的, 嘻嘻…

  8. RB经常会不小心就弄到我和老公, 有时被我打一顿, 哈哈….有一次他老豆还生他的气了, 一个晚上不理他, 因为RB手还是很重的. 又不知道分寸. YY有这种情况吗? 和父母玩起来很疯的.

  9. haha,,,,he is Da Du zi baby:) I think he is proud of that name though:D
    So you didn’t go to the beach today? hmmmm….anywhere else? I know you wouldn’t want to stay home…^^

  10. Good to know pink is your fave color, I thought I didn’t like pink that much, but somehow I do have some pink stuff…heheeh…

    If someday you will have a kid, he/she will be the cutiest one in the world for you! 🙂

  11. 是的,小男孩的手都很重,但他们大多数时候都是无意的。所以大人们就只有受气的份啦。。。哈哈

  12. 有啊。现在把我和他爸当怪兽般打,好重手,是连环拳那样,那天他爸还说他打得蛮痛的,我也会制止他这么打人,怕以后也这样对其他小朋友。但有时候他也玩疯了,听不了话的。就是难教咯。

  13. 对啊,小朋友打人不知道分寸的, 所以现在他打我, 我就打他, 他扯我头发, 我就扯他头发, RB就仅说:don’t do that, 然后我就说, 那你也别这么对我!哈哈

  14. 受气加生气!!我生气多了, 他现在不打了, 哈哈.而且他一打我, 我就打他,!

  15. 哈。。这方法好啊。让他知道自己做得不对,会不舒服的。但不知道会吾会记住呢。可能过一下又来打咯。毕竟我们对他们的力度会轻很多吧。。

  16. 呵呵, 总之RB现在是不打我了, 要不就是不小心碰的那种, 还特别疼, 有时候也真让人生气的.

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